Class SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext

  • Enclosing class:

    protected class SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext
    extends Object
    AnalysisContext holds the working view of the partition ownership that is used throughout the analysis and is used to reflect changes made during this analysis.
    • Field Detail

      • m_mapOwnedPartitions

        protected Map<Member,​PartitionSet[]> m_mapOwnedPartitions
        The map of member ownership information for this analysis context.
      • m_aOwners

        protected Ownership[] m_aOwners
        The ownership array for this analysis context.
      • m_partsUpdated

        protected PartitionSet m_partsUpdated
        The set of partitions that have been updated in this analysis context; may be null.
      • m_cBackupActual

        protected int m_cBackupActual
        The number of backup storages to maintain.

        Note: this may differ from the configured backup count if there is an inadequate number of ownership members to sustain the configured backup count.

      • m_cFairSharePrimary

        protected int m_cFairSharePrimary
        The fair-share primary partition load.
      • m_cFairShareBackup

        protected int m_cFairShareBackup
        The fair-share backup partition load.
      • m_setOwnershipMembers

        protected Set m_setOwnershipMembers
        The set of ownership members to include in the distribution.

        Note: this set does not include members that are leaving

      • m_setOwenersLeaving

        protected Set m_setOwenersLeaving
        The set of ownership members that are leaving.
      • m_aOwnershipMembers

        protected Member[] m_aOwnershipMembers
        An array of the ownership members to include in the distribution, arranged in arbitrary order. This array could be used for algorithms performing in-place sorting of the members.

        Note: this list does not include members that are leaving

      • m_ldtCompleted

        protected long m_ldtCompleted
        The timestamp of when the analysis represented by this context was completed, or 0 if it is not yet complete.
      • m_cDelay

        protected long m_cDelay
        An explicit delay to be used in favor of a determined delay in calculateAnalysisDelay().
    • Constructor Detail

      • AnalysisContext

        public AnalysisContext()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • getUpdatedPartitions

        protected PartitionSet getUpdatedPartitions()
        Return the set of updated partitions; may be null.
        the set of updated partitions, or null
      • getBackupStrength

        protected SimpleAssignmentStrategy.BackupStrength getBackupStrength()
        Return the BackupStrength for this analysis context. The backup strength determines the degree of resiliency that the resulting distribution will ensure (e.g. machine-safe, rack-safe, site-safe).
        the backup strength
      • setBackupStrength

        protected void setBackupStrength​(SimpleAssignmentStrategy.BackupStrength strength)
        Set the BackupStrength for this analysis context.
        strength - the backup strength
      • getOwnershipMembers

        protected Set<Member> getOwnershipMembers()
        Return the set of members across which to distribute the partition ownership.

        Note: The set of ownership members does not include any members that may be in the process of leaving

        the set of (non-leaving) ownership enabled members
      • getLeavingOwners

        protected Set<Member> getLeavingOwners()
        Return the set of ownership members that are leaving.
        the set of leaving ownership enabled members
      • getOwnershipMembersList

        protected Member[] getOwnershipMembersList()
        Return an array containing the members across which to distribute the partition ownership, arranged in arbitrary order.

        Note: The array does not include any members that may be in the process of leaving

        an array containing the (non-leaving) ownership enabled members
      • getPrimaryLoadCalculator

        public SimpleAssignmentStrategy.LoadCalculator getPrimaryLoadCalculator()
        Return the LoadCalculator used to calculate the primary partition load.
        the primary partition load calculator
      • getBackupLoadCalculator

        public SimpleAssignmentStrategy.LoadCalculator getBackupLoadCalculator()
        Return the LoadCalculator used to calculate the backup partition load.
        the backup partition load calculator
      • getActualBackupCount

        protected int getActualBackupCount()
        Return the number of backups to maintain, given the actual set of ownership-enabled and leaving members.
        the number of backups to maintain
      • getCompletedTime

        public long getCompletedTime()
        Return the time at which the analysis associated with this context was completed, or 0 if it has not been completed.
        the time at which the analysis was completed, or 0
      • setCompletedTime

        protected void setCompletedTime​(long ldt)
        Set the timestamp at which the analysis associated with this context completed.
        ldt - the completion timestamp, or 0
      • getOrphanedPartitions

        protected PartitionSet getOrphanedPartitions()
        Return the partitions deemed orphaned as a result of a previous execution of analyzeOrphans.
        the partitions deemed orphaned after executing analyzeOrphans
      • setOrphanedPartitions

        protected void setOrphanedPartitions​(PartitionSet parts)
        Set the orphaned partitions that can be prioritized for transfer in order to reduce the transfer cost.
        parts - the set of orphaned partitions
      • getAnalysisDelay

        protected long getAnalysisDelay()
        Return the number of milliseconds the analysis should be delayed; 0L suggests immediate analysis.
        the number of milliseconds the analysis should be delayed
      • setAnalysisDelay

        protected void setAnalysisDelay​(long cDelay)
        Set the number of milliseconds the analysis should be delayed; 0L suggests immediate analysis.
        cDelay - the number of milliseconds the analysis should be delayed
      • initialize

        protected void initialize()
        Initialize the AnalysisContext.
      • copyTransients

        protected void copyTransients​(SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext ctxLast)
        Copy transient values from another, generally the previous, AnalysisContext to this AnalysisContext. This provides an opportunity for the other context to impart knowledge to this context.
        ctxLast - the previous AnalysisContext
      • getFairShare

        protected int getFairShare​(boolean fPrimary)
        Return the (primary or backup) fair-share partition load.
        fPrimary - true iff the primary fair-share should be returned
        the fair-share partition load
      • calculateFairShare

        protected int calculateFairShare​(boolean fPrimary)
        Return the "fair share" (F) load. It is a ceiling for the load on a for fully balance distribution. The fairness goal is to achieve such a state that the load for all members is between F-L and F, where L is typically the minimum of partition load values.
        fPrimary - true for the primary fair-share, or false for backup
        the fair share
      • isMemberLeaving

        protected boolean isMemberLeaving​(Member member)
        Return true iff the specified member is in the process of leaving.
        member - the member
        true iff the specified member is in the process of leaving
      • instantiateBackupStrength

        protected SimpleAssignmentStrategy.BackupStrength instantiateBackupStrength​(Set setOwners)
        Create a backup strength to be used for distribution among the specified set of ownership members.
        setOwners - the ownership members
        the backup strength
      • isStrongPossible

        protected boolean isStrongPossible​(Set setOwners,
                                           Map mapSplit)
        Return true iff a "strong" balanced distribution is achievable for the specified set of members, split among a set of categories (e.g. machine, rack, site).
        setOwners - the set of ownership members
        mapSplit - the map of members, associated by their category
        true iff a "strong" balanced distribution is achievable
      • isPartitionStrong

        protected boolean isPartitionStrong​(int iPartition)
        Return true iff the ownership of the specified partition is "strong", as defined by the current BackupStrength.
        iPartition - the partition
        true iff the specified partition is strong
      • isPartitionStrong

        protected boolean isPartitionStrong​(Ownership owners)
        Return true iff the specified ownership is "strong", as defined by the current BackupStrength.
        owners - the ownership
        true iff the specified ownership is strong
      • isTransferStrong

        protected boolean isTransferStrong​(int iPartition,
                                           int iStore,
                                           Member member)
        Return true iff the specified partition transfer would result in a "strong" ownership, as defined by the current BackupStrength.
        iPartition - the partition to transfer
        iStore - the storage index to transfer
        member - the member receiving the transfer
        true iff the specified partition transfer is strong
      • isStrong

        protected boolean isStrong​(Member member1,
                                   Member member2)
        Return true iff the specified members are mutually "strong", as defined by the backup strength.
        member1 - the first member to compare
        member2 - the second member to compare
        true iff the specified members are mutually strong
      • isStrong

        protected boolean isStrong​(Member member,
                                   Ownership owners)
        Return true iff the specified member is "strong" with respect to the specified ownership, as defined by the backup strength.
        member - the member
        owners - the ownership
        true iff the member is "strong" with respect to the ownership
      • collectOrphaned

        protected PartitionSet collectOrphaned​(PartitionSet parts)
        Return a partition set representing the subset of the specified partitions that are "orphaned".
        parts - the partition set to collect
        a partition set containing the orphaned partitions
      • collectWeak

        protected PartitionSet collectWeak​(PartitionSet parts)
        Return a partition set representing the subset of the specified partitions that are "weak" or "vulnerable" (as defined by the backup strength).
        parts - the partition set to collect
        a partition set containing the weak partitions
      • isPartitionEndangered

        protected boolean isPartitionEndangered​(int iPartition)
        Return true iff the specified partition is "endangered". A partition is "endangered" if it is incompletely backed up (e.g. some backup copies do not exist).
        iPartition - the partition to test the endangered status
        true iff the specified partition is endangered
      • isPartitionEndangered

        protected boolean isPartitionEndangered​(Ownership owners)
        Return true iff the specified ownership is "endangered". A partition is "endangered" if it is incompletely backed up (e.g. some backup copies do not exist).
        owners - the ownership to test for endangered status
        true iff the specified partition is endangered
      • collectEndangered

        protected PartitionSet collectEndangered​(PartitionSet parts)
        Return a partition set representing the subset of the specified partitions that are "endangered".
        parts - the partition set to collect
        a partition set containing the endangered partitions
      • ensureUpdatedPartitions

        protected PartitionSet ensureUpdatedPartitions()
        Ensure and return the set of updated partitions.
        the set of updated partitions
      • getOwnedPartitions

        public PartitionSet getOwnedPartitions​(Member member,
                                               int iStore)
        Return the set of partitions for which the specified member owns (or has been assigned by this analysis to own) the specified storage index.
        member - the member
        iStore - the storage index
        the set of partitions owned by the member at the specified index
      • isInitialDistribution

        public boolean isInitialDistribution​(Member memberCoordinator)
        Check if the distribution is in the initial state, when the coordinator owns all the partitions and there are no backups.
        memberCoordinator - the coordinator
        true if the coordinator owns all the partitions and there are no backups
      • primeDistribution

        protected void primeDistribution​(Member member1,
                                         Member member2)
        Set the context to pretend to be the "two servers" membership.
        member1 - the first member
        member2 - the second member
      • getPartitionOwnership

        public Ownership getPartitionOwnership​(int iPartition)
        Return the Ownership information (or the ownership assigned by this analysis) for the specified partition.
        iPartition - the partition to return the ownership for
        the Ownership information
      • getPartitionLoad

        protected int getPartitionLoad​(int iPartition,
                                       boolean fPrimary)
        Return the load (as defined by the appropriate load calculator) for the specified partition.
        iPartition - the partition to determine the load of
        fPrimary - true iff the primary load should be returned, or false for backup
        the load for the specified partition
      • getMemberLoad

        protected int getMemberLoad​(Member member,
                                    boolean fPrimary)
        Return the (primary or backup) partition load of the specified member.
        member - the member to calculate the partition load for
        fPrimary - true for primary partition load, else backup load
        the partition load for the specified member
      • calculateAnalysisDelay

        protected long calculateAnalysisDelay()
        Calculate whether the analysis should be delayed.
        the delay before the next analysis, or 0 if the analysis should commence immediately
      • transitionPartition

        protected void transitionPartition​(int iPartition,
                                           int iStore,
                                           Member memberFrom,
                                           Member memberTo)
        Update the analysis context to reflect the suggested transfer of the specified number of primary partitions between the specified members.
        iPartition - the partition id to transfer
        iStore - the storage index to transfer
        memberFrom - the member to transfer partitions from, or null if the partition storage-index was endangered
        memberTo - the member to transfer partitions to, or null if the partition storage index should be endangered
      • suggestDistribution

        protected boolean suggestDistribution()
        Suggest any distribution that may have been collected by this analysis context to the DistributionManager.
        true iff a distribution was suggested
      • instantiateNotOwnedFilter

        public Filter instantiateNotOwnedFilter​(Ownership owners)
        Instantiate and return a NotOwnedFilter with the specified ownership.
        owners - the ownership
        a NotOwnedFilter
      • instantiateSafetyFilter

        public Filter instantiateSafetyFilter​(Ownership owners,
                                              int iStore)
        Instantiate and return a SafetyFilter with the specified ownership.
        owners - the ownership
        iStore - the storage index at which to evaluate members for safety
        a SafetyFilter
      • instantiateOverloadedFilter

        public Filter instantiateOverloadedFilter​(boolean fPrimary)
        Instantiate a filter that matches members with an over-load.
        fPrimary - true for primary partition load
        a filter that matches members with an over-load
      • instantiateUnderloadedFilter

        public Filter instantiateUnderloadedFilter​(boolean fPrimary)
        Instantiate a filter that matches members with an under-load.
        fPrimary - true for primary partition load
        a filter that matches members with an under-load
      • instantiateLoadComparator

        public SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext.LoadComparator instantiateLoadComparator​(boolean fPrimary)
        Return a comparator for primary or backup partition load.
        fPrimary - true for primary, or false for backup
        a comparator for primary or backup partition load
      • instantiateDefaultComparator

        public Comparator instantiateDefaultComparator()
        Instantiate a default member Comparator. The returned comparator must define a strict total ordering over the set of Members. In other words, no two distinct members may be compared to be equivalent.
        a Comparator that defines a strict total ordering of Members