Class SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext.UnderloadedFilter

    • Field Detail

      • m_cFairShare

        protected int m_cFairShare
        The cached fair-share load.
      • m_fPrimary

        protected boolean m_fPrimary
        True iff this filter represents primary partition load.
    • Constructor Detail

      • UnderloadedFilter

        protected UnderloadedFilter​(boolean fPrimary)
        Construct an UnderloadedFilter.
        fPrimary - true iff the filter should compare primary partition load
    • Method Detail

      • isPrimary

        public boolean isPrimary()
        Return true iff this Filter compares the primary partition load.
        true if comparing the primary partition load
      • getFairShare

        public int getFairShare()
        Return the fair-share partition load.
        the fair-share partition load
      • evaluate

        public boolean evaluate​(Object o)
        Apply the test to the input argument.
        Specified by:
        evaluate in interface Filter
        o - the input argument to evaluate
        true if the input argument matches the filter, otherwise false