Class SimpleAssignmentStrategy.BackupStrength

  • Enclosing class:

    protected static class SimpleAssignmentStrategy.BackupStrength
    extends Object
    BackupStrength represents a level of "strength" or "resiliency" between the primary and backup owners of a partition. The BackupStrength is used to determine which backup owners could serve as a "strong" backup for a primary owner.
    • Field Detail

      • NODE_SAFE

        protected static final int NODE_SAFE
        Node-safety (members are different).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final int MACHINE_SAFE
        Machine-safety (members are on different machines).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • RACK_SAFE

        protected static final int RACK_SAFE
        Rack-safety (members are on different racks).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • SITE_SAFE

        protected static final int SITE_SAFE
        Site-safety (members are on different sites).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • m_nStrength

        protected int m_nStrength
        The strength (one of the *_SAFE constants).
      • m_setSites

        protected Set m_setSites
        The set of site names.
      • m_setRacks

        protected Set m_setRacks
        The set of rack names.
      • m_setMachines

        protected Set m_setMachines
        The set of machine names.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BackupStrength

        protected BackupStrength​(int nStrength,
                                 Set setSites,
                                 Set setRacks,
                                 Set setMachines)
        Construct a BackupStrength of the specified strength.
        nStrength - one of the BackupStrength.*_SAFE constants
        setSites - the site names
        setRacks - the rack names
        setMachines - the machine names
    • Method Detail

      • isStrong

        protected boolean isStrong​(Member member1,
                                   Member member2)
        Return true iff the specified members are mutually "strong".
        member1 - the first member to compare
        member2 - the second member to compare
        true iff the specified members are mutually "strong"
      • getSiteCount

        public int getSiteCount()
        Return the site count.
        the site count
      • getRackCount

        public int getRackCount()
        Return the rack count.
        the rack count
      • getMachineCount

        public int getMachineCount()
        Return the site count.
        the site count
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Return a human-readable description string of this backup-strength.
        a human-readable description string of this backup-strength