Interface StatementBuilder<T extends Statement>

    • Method Detail

      • realize

        T realize​(ExecutionContext ctx,
                  NodeTerm term,
                  List listBindVars,
                  ParameterResolver namedBindVars)
        Realizes an implementation of a Statement that can be executed to perform a specific CohQL command.
        ctx - the ExecutionContext to use to create commands
        term - the parsed NodeTerm used to create the relevant Statement
        listBindVars - the indexed bind variables
        namedBindVars - the named bind variables
        an executable instance of a Statement
      • getSyntax

        String getSyntax()
        Return the syntax of the CohQL command.
        the syntax of the CohQL command
      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        Return a description of the CohQL command suitable for displaying as help text.
        a description of the CohQL command suitable for displaying as help text