Class AbstractStatementBuilder<T extends Statement>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractStatementBuilder

        public AbstractStatementBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • ensureFilter

        protected static Filter ensureFilter​(NodeTerm termWhere,
                                             String sCacheName,
                                             String sAlias,
                                             List listBindVars,
                                             ParameterResolver namedBindVars,
                                             ExecutionContext ctx)
        Build a Filter for the given cache using the given where clause, alias and bind environments.
        termWhere - the NodeTerm containing the where clause
        sCacheName - the name of the cache that the filter will be built for
        sAlias - the table/cache alias used in the where clause, may be null
        listBindVars - bind variables to be used to replace any numeric bind variables in the where clause
        namedBindVars - named bind variables to be used to replace any named bind variables in the where clause
        ctx - the ExecutionContext to use
        a Filter created from the given where clause
      • atomicStringValueOf

        protected static String atomicStringValueOf​(Term t)
        Return a String that is the value of the given Term.
        t - the Term that is atomic
        return the String found in the AtomicTerm
      • getCacheName

        protected static String getCacheName​(NodeTerm sn)
        Return the String that represents the cache name from the given AST node by looking for the "from" term AST.
        sn - the syntax node
        return the String found in the AST node
      • getAlias

        protected static String getAlias​(NodeTerm sn)
        Return the String that represents the cache name alias from the given AST node by looking for the "alias" term in the AST.
        sn - the syntax node
        return the String found in the AST node
      • getFile

        protected static String getFile​(NodeTerm sn)
        Return the String that represents the filename from the given AST node by looking for the "file" term in the AST.
        sn - the syntax node
        return the String found in the AST node
      • getIsDistinct

        protected static boolean getIsDistinct​(NodeTerm sn)
        Return the boolean that indicates whether distinctness in indicated in the given AST node.
        sn - the syntax node
        return the boolean result of testing the node
      • getWhere

        protected static NodeTerm getWhere​(NodeTerm sn)
        Return the AST node that represents the where clause from the given AST node.
        sn - the syntax node
        return the AST node found in the parent AST node
      • getFields

        protected static NodeTerm getFields​(NodeTerm sn)
        Return the AST node that represents the fields to select from the given AST node.
        sn - the syntax node
        return the AST node found in the parent AST node
      • getInsertKey

        protected static Term getInsertKey​(NodeTerm sn)
        Return the AST node that represents the key to insert from the given AST node.
        sn - the syntax node
        return the AST node found in the parent AST node
      • getInsertValue

        protected static Term getInsertValue​(NodeTerm sn)
        Return the AST node that represents the value to insert from the given AST node.
        sn - the syntax node
        return the AST node found in the parent AST node
      • getGroupBy

        protected static NodeTerm getGroupBy​(NodeTerm sn)
        Return the AST node that represents the group by fields from the given AST node.
        sn - the syntax node
        return the AST node found in the parent AST node
      • getSetList

        protected static Term getSetList​(NodeTerm sn)
        Return the AST node that represents the list of "Set statements" from the given AST node.
        sn - the syntax node
        return the AST node found in the parent AST node
      • getExtractor

        protected static Term getExtractor​(NodeTerm sn)
        Return the AST node that represents the extractor for an index from the given AST node.
        sn - the syntax node
        return the AST node found in the parent AST node
      • headsMatch

        protected static boolean headsMatch​(NodeTerm fieldList,
                                            NodeTerm groupByList)
        Test to see if the AST for the group-by is equal to the head of the list from the select clause AST.
        fieldList - the list of fields in a select list
        groupByList - the list of fields in a group by clause
        return the results of matching