Class NodeTerm

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class NodeTerm
    extends Term
    NodeTerm is the class used to represent trees of Terms that can have children.
    djl 2009.08.31
    • Constructor Detail

      • NodeTerm

        public NodeTerm​(String sFunctor)
        Construct a new TermNode with the given functor.
        sFunctor - the functor for the Term
      • NodeTerm

        public NodeTerm​(String sFunctor,
                        Term t1)
        Construct a new TermNode with the given functor and given Terms.
        sFunctor - the functor for the Term
        t1 - a child term
      • NodeTerm

        public NodeTerm​(String sFunctor,
                        Term t1,
                        Term t2)
        Construct a new TermNode with the given functor and given Terms.
        sFunctor - the functor for the Term
        t1 - a child term
        t2 - a child term
      • NodeTerm

        public NodeTerm​(String sFunctor,
                        Term t1,
                        Term t2,
                        Term t3)
        Construct a new TermNode with the given functor and given Terms.
        sFunctor - the functor for the Term
        t1 - a child term
        t2 - a child term
        t3 - a child term
      • NodeTerm

        public NodeTerm​(String sFunctor,
                        Term t1,
                        Term t2,
                        Term t3,
                        Term t4)
        Construct a new TermNode with the given functor and given Terms.
        sFunctor - the functor for the Term
        t1 - a child term
        t2 - a child term
        t3 - a child term
        t4 - a child term
      • NodeTerm

        public NodeTerm​(String sFunctor,
                        Term t1,
                        Term t2,
                        Term t3,
                        Term t4,
                        Term t5)
        Construct a new TermNode with the given functor and given Terms.
        sFunctor - the functor for the Term
        t1 - a child term
        t2 - a child term
        t3 - a child term
        t4 - a child term
        t5 - a child term
      • NodeTerm

        public NodeTerm​(String sFunctor,
                        Term[] aTerms)
        Construct a new TermNode with the given functor and given Terms.
        sFunctor - the functor for the Term
        aTerms - children of the node
      • NodeTerm

        public NodeTerm​(String sFunctor,
                        Term term,
                        Term[] aTerms)
        Construct a new TermNode with the given functor and given Terms.
        sFunctor - the functor for the Term
        term - a term
        aTerms - children of the node
      • NodeTerm

        public NodeTerm​(String sFunctor,
                        Term[] aTerms,
                        Term term)
        Construct a new TermNode with the given functor and given Terms.
        sFunctor - the functor for the Term
        aTerms - children of the node
        term - a term
    • Method Detail

      • getFunctor

        public String getFunctor()
        Obtain the functor representation of the Term.
        Specified by:
        getFunctor in class Term
        the functor
      • isLeaf

        public boolean isLeaf()
        Answer whether the receiver has children.
        isLeaf in class Term
        the boolean result of the isLeaf() test
      • isAtom

        public boolean isAtom()
        Answer whether the receiver is an Atomic Term.
        isAtom in class Term
        the boolean result of the isAtom() test
      • children

        public Term[] children()
        Obtain the childern Terms
        Specified by:
        children in class Term
        the children of the receiver
      • length

        public int length()
        Answer whether the length of the receivers children
        length in class Term
        the length
      • termAt

        public Term termAt​(int index)
        Obtain the child term at the given index. The index is 1 based for children and with at(0) returning the functor as an AtomicTerm. Beware, your 0 based habits can cause problems but 1 based indexing is useful since the functor is an interesting part of the information space. We are bowing here to the wisdom of Mathematica Expressions.
        Specified by:
        termAt in class Term
        index - index of the child or functor to return
        the child Term or functor as AtomicTerm if index is 0
      • withChild

        public Term withChild​(Term t)
        Join the receiver with the given child Term. AtomicTerms will construct a general list term (functor .list.) and NodeTerms may be mutated.
        Specified by:
        withChild in class Term
        t - the term to join with
        the Term resulting from joining.
      • termEqual

        public boolean termEqual​(Term t)
        Answer whether the receiver is equal to the given Term. Terms are equal if their functors are equal and their children are termEqual to the children of the given term.
        Specified by:
        termEqual in class Term
        t - the Term to check for termEqual
        the boolean result of the comparison
      • fullFormString

        public String fullFormString()
        Answer a String representation of the Term that is allowed to show more internal details than toString() which does not compress information. Similar to Object.toString().
        Specified by:
        fullFormString in class Term
        a String representation of the receiver
      • accept

        public void accept​(TermWalker walker)
        Description copied from class: Term
        Do a dispatch back to the given walker.
        accept in class Term
        walker - the TermWalker that implements the visitor for Terms
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return a human-readable description for this Node.
        toString in class Object
        a String description of the Node
      • setFunctor

        public void setFunctor​(String sFunctor)
        Set the receiver's functor to be the given String
        sFunctor - the new functor for this Term