Class PriorityAggregator<K,V,P,R>

Type Parameters:
K - the type of the Map entry keys
V - the type of the Map entry values
P - the type of the partial result
R - the type of the final result
All Implemented Interfaces:
ExternalizableLite, PortableObject, PriorityTask, InvocableMap.EntryAggregator<K,V,R>, InvocableMap.StreamingAggregator<K,V,P,R>, Serializable

public class PriorityAggregator<K,V,P,R> extends AbstractPriorityTask implements InvocableMap.StreamingAggregator<K,V,P,R>, ExternalizableLite, PortableObject
PriorityAggregator is used to explicitly control the scheduling priority and timeouts for execution of EntryAggregator-based methods.

For example, let's assume that there is an Orders cache that belongs to a partitioned cache service configured with a request-timeout and task-timeout of 5 seconds. Also assume that we are willing to wait longer for a particular aggregation request that scans the entire cache. Then we could override the default timeout values by using the PriorityAggregator as follows:

   DoubleAverage      aggrStandard = new DoubleAverage("getPrice");
   PriorityAggregator aggrPriority = new PriorityAggregator(aggrStandard);
   cacheOrders.aggregate((Filter) null, aggrPriority);

This is an advanced feature which should be used judiciously.

Coherence 3.3
gg 2007.03.20
See Also: