Interface PofWriter

All Known Implementing Classes:
PofBufferWriter, PofBufferWriter.UserTypeWriter

public interface PofWriter
The PofWriter interface provides the capability of writing a set of non-primitive Java types ("user types") to a POF stream as an ordered sequence of indexed properties.

The serialized format of a POF user type is as follows:

  • Type Identifier
  • Version Identifier
  • [Property Index, Property Value]*
  • -1
The type identifier is an integer value greater than or equal to zero that identifies the non-primitive Java type. The type identifier has no explicit or self-describing meaning within the POF stream itself; in other words, the type identifier does not contain the actual class definition. Instead, the PofWriter and corresponding PofReader share a PofContext which contains the necessary meta-data, including type identifier to Java type mappings.

The version identifier is used to support both backwards and forwards compatibility of serialized POF user types. Versioning of user types allows the addition of new properties to a user type, but not the replacement or removal of properties that existed in a previous version of the user type.

When a version v1 of a user type written by a PofWriter is read by a PofReader that supports version v2 of the same user type, the PofReader returns default values for the additional properties of the User Type that exist in v2 but do not exist in v1. Conversely, when a version v2 of a user type written by a PofWriter is read by a PofReader that supports version v1 of the same user type, the instance of user type v1 must store those additional opaque properties for later encoding. The PofReader enables the user type to store off the opaque properties in binary form (see PofReader.readRemainder()). When the user type is re-encoded, it must be done so using the version identifier v2, since it is including the unaltered v2 properties. The opaque properties are subsequently included in the POF stream using the writeRemainder(com.tangosol.util.Binary) method.

Following the version identifier is an ordered sequence of index/value pairs, each of which is composed of a property index encoded as non-negative integer value whose value is greater than the previous property index, and a property value encoded as a POF value. The user type is finally terminated with an illegal property index of -1.

Note: To read a property that was written using a PofWriter method, the corresponding read method on PofReader must be used. For example, if a property was written using writeByteArray(int, byte[]), PofReader.readByteArray(int) must be used to read the property.

Coherence 3.2
cp/jh 2006.07.13
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Obtain a PofWriter that can be used to write a set of properties into a single property of the current user type.
    createNestedPofWriter(int iProp, int nTypeId)
    Obtain a PofWriter that can be used to write a set of properties into a single property of the current user type.
    Return the PofContext object used by this PofWriter to serialize user types to a POF stream.
    Determine the user type that is currently being written.
    Determine the version identifier of the user type that is currently being written.
    Configure the PofContext object used by this PofWriter to serialize user types to a POF stream.
    setVersionId(int nVersionId)
    Set the version identifier of the user type that is currently being written.
    writeBigDecimal(int iProp, BigDecimal dec)
    Write a BigDecimal property to the POF stream.
    writeBigInteger(int iProp, BigInteger n)
    Write a BigInteger property to the POF stream.
    writeBinary(int iProp, Binary bin)
    Write a Binary property to the POF stream.
    writeBoolean(int iProp, boolean f)
    Write a boolean property to the POF stream.
    writeBooleanArray(int iProp, boolean[] af)
    Write a boolean[] property to the POF stream.
    writeByte(int iProp, byte b)
    Write a byte property to the POF stream.
    writeByteArray(int iProp, byte[] ab)
    Write a byte[] property to the POF stream.
    writeChar(int iProp, char ch)
    Write a char property to the POF stream.
    writeCharArray(int iProp, char[] ach)
    Write a char[] property to the POF stream.
    <T> void
    writeCollection(int iProp, Collection<? extends T> coll)
    Write a Collection property to the POF stream.
    <T> void
    writeCollection(int iProp, Collection<? extends T> coll, Class<? extends T> clz)
    Write a uniform Collection property to the POF stream.
    writeDate(int iProp, LocalDate dt)
    Write a LocalDate property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
    writeDate(int iProp, Date dt)
    Write a Date property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
    writeDateTime(int iProp, Timestamp dt)
    Write a Timestamp property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
    writeDateTime(int iProp, LocalDateTime dt)
    Write a LocalDateTime property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
    writeDateTime(int iProp, Date dt)
    Write a Date property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
    Write a Timestamp property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
    Write a OffsetDateTime property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
    default void
    Write a ZonedDateTime property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
    writeDateTimeWithZone(int iProp, Date dt)
    Write a Date property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
    writeDouble(int iProp, double dfl)
    Write a double property to the POF stream.
    writeDoubleArray(int iProp, double[] adfl)
    Write a double[] property to the POF stream.
    writeFloat(int iProp, float fl)
    Write a float property to the POF stream.
    writeFloatArray(int iProp, float[] afl)
    Write a float[] property to the POF stream.
    writeInt(int iProp, int n)
    Write a int property to the POF stream.
    writeIntArray(int iProp, int[] an)
    Write a int[] property to the POF stream.
    writeLong(int iProp, long n)
    Write a long property to the POF stream.
    writeLongArray(int iProp, long[] an)
    Write a long[] property to the POF stream.
    <T> void
    writeLongArray(int iProp, LongArray<? extends T> la)
    Write a LongArray property to the POF stream.
    <T> void
    writeLongArray(int iProp, LongArray<T> la, Class<T> clz)
    Write a uniform LongArray property to the POF stream.
    <K, V> void
    writeMap(int iProp, Map<? extends K,? extends V> map)
    Write a Map property to the POF stream.
    <K, V> void
    writeMap(int iProp, Map<K,? extends V> map, Class<? extends K> clzKey)
    Write a uniform key Map property to the POF stream.
    <K, V> void
    writeMap(int iProp, Map<K,V> map, Class<? extends K> clzKey, Class<? extends V> clzValue)
    Write a uniform Map property to the POF stream.
    writeObject(int iProp, Object o)
    Write an Object property to the POF stream.
    <T> void
    writeObjectArray(int iProp, T[] ao)
    Write an Object[] property to the POF stream.
    <T> void
    writeObjectArray(int iProp, T[] ao, Class<? extends T> clz)
    Write a uniform Object[] property to the POF stream.
    writeRawDate(int iProp, RawDate date)
    Write a RawDate property to the POF stream.
    writeRawDateTime(int iProp, RawDateTime dt)
    Write a RawDateTime property to the POF stream.
    Write a RawDayTimeInterval property to the POF stream.
    writeRawQuad(int iProp, RawQuad qfl)
    Write a RawQuad property to the POF stream.
    writeRawTime(int iProp, RawTime time)
    Write a RawTime property to the POF stream.
    writeRawTimeInterval(int iProp, RawTimeInterval interval)
    Write a RawTimeInterval property to the POF stream.
    Write a RawYearMonthInterval property to the POF stream.
    Write the remaining properties to the POF stream, terminating the writing of the current user type.
    writeShort(int iProp, short n)
    Write a short property to the POF stream.
    writeShortArray(int iProp, short[] an)
    Write a short[] property to the POF stream.
    writeString(int iProp, String s)
    Write a String property to the POF stream.
    writeTime(int iProp, Timestamp dt)
    Write a Timestamp property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
    writeTime(int iProp, LocalTime dt)
    Write a LocalTime property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
    writeTime(int iProp, Date dt)
    Write a Date property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
    writeTimeWithZone(int iProp, Timestamp dt)
    Write a Timestamp property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
    writeTimeWithZone(int iProp, OffsetTime dt)
    Write a OffsetTime property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
    writeTimeWithZone(int iProp, Date dt)
    Write a Date property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
  • Method Details

    • writeBoolean

      void writeBoolean(int iProp, boolean f) throws IOException
      Write a boolean property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      f - the boolean property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeByte

      void writeByte(int iProp, byte b) throws IOException
      Write a byte property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      b - the byte property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeChar

      void writeChar(int iProp, char ch) throws IOException
      Write a char property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      ch - the char property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeShort

      void writeShort(int iProp, short n) throws IOException
      Write a short property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      n - the short property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeInt

      void writeInt(int iProp, int n) throws IOException
      Write a int property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      n - the int property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeLong

      void writeLong(int iProp, long n) throws IOException
      Write a long property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      n - the long property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeFloat

      void writeFloat(int iProp, float fl) throws IOException
      Write a float property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      fl - the float property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeDouble

      void writeDouble(int iProp, double dfl) throws IOException
      Write a double property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      dfl - the double property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeBooleanArray

      void writeBooleanArray(int iProp, boolean[] af) throws IOException
      Write a boolean[] property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      af - the boolean[] property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeByteArray

      void writeByteArray(int iProp, byte[] ab) throws IOException
      Write a byte[] property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      ab - the byte[] property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeCharArray

      void writeCharArray(int iProp, char[] ach) throws IOException
      Write a char[] property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      ach - the char[] property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeShortArray

      void writeShortArray(int iProp, short[] an) throws IOException
      Write a short[] property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      an - the short[] property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeIntArray

      void writeIntArray(int iProp, int[] an) throws IOException
      Write a int[] property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      an - the int[] property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeLongArray

      void writeLongArray(int iProp, long[] an) throws IOException
      Write a long[] property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      an - the long[] property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeFloatArray

      void writeFloatArray(int iProp, float[] afl) throws IOException
      Write a float[] property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      afl - the float[] property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeDoubleArray

      void writeDoubleArray(int iProp, double[] adfl) throws IOException
      Write a double[] property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      adfl - the double[] property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeBigInteger

      void writeBigInteger(int iProp, BigInteger n) throws IOException
      Write a BigInteger property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      n - the BigInteger property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IllegalStateException - if the given BigInteger does not fit into 128 bits
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeRawQuad

      void writeRawQuad(int iProp, RawQuad qfl) throws IOException
      Write a RawQuad property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      qfl - the RawQuad property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeBigDecimal

      void writeBigDecimal(int iProp, BigDecimal dec) throws IOException
      Write a BigDecimal property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      dec - the BigDecimal property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IllegalStateException - if the signed unscaled form of the given BigDecimal does not fit into 128 bits
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeBinary

      void writeBinary(int iProp, Binary bin) throws IOException
      Write a Binary property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      bin - the Binary property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeString

      void writeString(int iProp, String s) throws IOException
      Write a String property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      s - the String property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeDate

      void writeDate(int iProp, Date dt) throws IOException
      Write a Date property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.

      This method encodes the year, month and day information of the specified Date object. No time or timezone information is encoded.

      iProp - the property index
      dt - the Date property value to write in ISO8601 format
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeDate

      void writeDate(int iProp, LocalDate dt) throws IOException
      Write a LocalDate property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.

      This method encodes the year, month and day information of the specified LocalDate object. No time or timezone information is encoded.

      iProp - the property index
      dt - the LocalDate property value to write in ISO8601 format
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeDateTime

      void writeDateTime(int iProp, Date dt) throws IOException
      Write a Date property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.

      This method encodes the year, month, day, hour, minute, second and millisecond information of the specified Date object. No timezone information is encoded.

      iProp - the property index
      dt - the Date property value to write in ISO8601 format
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeDateTime

      void writeDateTime(int iProp, LocalDateTime dt) throws IOException
      Write a LocalDateTime property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.

      This method encodes the year, month, day, hour, minute, second and millisecond information of the specified LocalDateTime object. No timezone information is encoded.

      iProp - the property index
      dt - the LocalDateTime property value to write in ISO8601 format
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeDateTime

      void writeDateTime(int iProp, Timestamp dt) throws IOException
      Write a Timestamp property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.

      This method encodes the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond and nanosecond information of the specified Timestamp object. No timezone information is encoded.

      iProp - the property index
      dt - the Timestamp property value to write in ISO8601 format
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeDateTimeWithZone

      void writeDateTimeWithZone(int iProp, Date dt) throws IOException
      Write a Date property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.

      This method encodes the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond and timezone information of the specified Date object.

      iProp - the property index
      dt - the Date property value to write in ISO8601 format
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeDateTimeWithZone

      void writeDateTimeWithZone(int iProp, OffsetDateTime dt) throws IOException
      Write a OffsetDateTime property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.

      This method encodes the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond and timezone information of the specified OffsetDateTime object.

      iProp - the property index
      dt - the OffsetDateTime property value to write in ISO8601 format
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeDateTimeWithZone

      default void writeDateTimeWithZone(int iProp, ZonedDateTime dt) throws IOException
      Write a ZonedDateTime property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.

      This method encodes the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond and timezone information of the specified ZonedDateTime object.

      iProp - the property index
      dt - the ZonedDateTime property value to write in ISO8601 format
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeDateTimeWithZone

      void writeDateTimeWithZone(int iProp, Timestamp dt) throws IOException
      Write a Timestamp property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.

      This method encodes the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, nanosecond and timezone information of the specified Timestamp object.

      iProp - the property index
      dt - the Timestamp property value to write in ISO8601 format
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeTime

      void writeTime(int iProp, Date dt) throws IOException
      Write a Date property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.

      This method encodes the hour, minute, second and millisecond information of the specified Date object. No year, month, day or timezone information is encoded.

      iProp - the property index
      dt - the Date property value to write in ISO8601 format
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeTime

      void writeTime(int iProp, LocalTime dt) throws IOException
      Write a LocalTime property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.

      This method encodes the hour, minute, second and millisecond information of the specified LocalTime object. No year, month, day or timezone information is encoded.

      iProp - the property index
      dt - the LocalTime property value to write in ISO8601 format
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeTime

      void writeTime(int iProp, Timestamp dt) throws IOException
      Write a Timestamp property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.

      This method encodes the hour, minute, second, millisecond and nanosecond information of the specified Timestamp object.

      iProp - the property index
      dt - the Timestamp property value to write in ISO8601 format
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeTimeWithZone

      void writeTimeWithZone(int iProp, Date dt) throws IOException
      Write a Date property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.

      This method encodes the hour, minute, second, millisecond and timezone information of the specified Date object. No year, month or day information is encoded.

      iProp - the property index
      dt - the Date property value to write in ISO8601 format
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeTimeWithZone

      void writeTimeWithZone(int iProp, OffsetTime dt) throws IOException
      Write a OffsetTime property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.

      This method encodes the hour, minute, second, millisecond and timezone information of the specified OffsetTime object. No year, month or day information is encoded.

      iProp - the property index
      dt - the OffsetTime property value to write in ISO8601 format
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeTimeWithZone

      void writeTimeWithZone(int iProp, Timestamp dt) throws IOException
      Write a Timestamp property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.

      This method encodes the hour, minute, second, millisecond, nanosecond and timezone information of the specified Timestamp object. No year, month or day information is encoded.

      iProp - the property index
      dt - the Timestamp property value to write in ISO8601 format
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeRawDate

      void writeRawDate(int iProp, RawDate date) throws IOException
      Write a RawDate property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      date - the RawDate property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeRawTime

      void writeRawTime(int iProp, RawTime time) throws IOException
      Write a RawTime property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      time - the RawTime property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeRawDateTime

      void writeRawDateTime(int iProp, RawDateTime dt) throws IOException
      Write a RawDateTime property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      dt - the RawDateTime property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeRawYearMonthInterval

      void writeRawYearMonthInterval(int iProp, RawYearMonthInterval interval) throws IOException
      Write a RawYearMonthInterval property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      interval - the RawYearMonthInterval property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeRawTimeInterval

      void writeRawTimeInterval(int iProp, RawTimeInterval interval) throws IOException
      Write a RawTimeInterval property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      interval - the RawTimeInterval property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeRawDayTimeInterval

      void writeRawDayTimeInterval(int iProp, RawDayTimeInterval interval) throws IOException
      Write a RawDayTimeInterval property to the POF stream.
      iProp - the property index
      interval - the RawDayTimeInterval property value to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeObject

      void writeObject(int iProp, Object o) throws IOException
      Write an Object property to the POF stream.

      The given object must be an instance of one of the following:

      Otherwise, a PofSerializer for the object must be obtainable from the PofContext associated with this PofWriter.

      iProp - the property index
      o - the Object property to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream; or if the given property cannot be encoded into a POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeObjectArray

      <T> void writeObjectArray(int iProp, T[] ao) throws IOException
      Write an Object[] property to the POF stream.

      Each element of the given array must be an instance (or an array of instances) of one of the following:

      Otherwise, a PofSerializer for each element of the array must be obtainable from the PofContext associated with this PofWriter.

      Type Parameters:
      T - type of the elements in the array
      iProp - the property index
      ao - the Object[] property to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream; or if the given property cannot be encoded into a POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeObjectArray

      <T> void writeObjectArray(int iProp, T[] ao, Class<? extends T> clz) throws IOException
      Write a uniform Object[] property to the POF stream.

      Each element of the given array must be an instance (or an array of instances) of one of the following:

      Otherwise, a PofSerializer for each element of the array must be obtainable from the PofContext associated with this PofWriter.

      Additionally, the type of each element must be equal to the specified class.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the elements in the array
      iProp - the property index
      ao - the Object[] property to write
      clz - the class of all elements; must not be null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream; if the given property cannot be encoded into a POF stream; or if the type of one or more elements of the array is not equal to the specified class
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeCollection

      <T> void writeCollection(int iProp, Collection<? extends T> coll) throws IOException
      Write a Collection property to the POF stream.

      Each element of the given Collection must be an instance (or an array of instances) of one of the following:

      Otherwise, a PofSerializer for each element of the Collection must be obtainable from the PofContext associated with this PofWriter.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of elements in Collection
      iProp - the property index
      coll - the Collection property to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream; or if the given property cannot be encoded into a POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeCollection

      <T> void writeCollection(int iProp, Collection<? extends T> coll, Class<? extends T> clz) throws IOException
      Write a uniform Collection property to the POF stream.

      Each element of the given Collection must be an instance (or an array of instances) of one of the following:

      Otherwise, a PofSerializer for each element of the Collection must be obtainable from the PofContext associated with this PofWriter.

      Additionally, the type of each element must be equal to the specified class.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of elements in the Collection
      iProp - the property index
      coll - the Collection property to write
      clz - the class of all elements; must not be null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream; if the given property cannot be encoded into a POF stream; or if the type of one or more elements of the Collection is not equal to the specified class
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeLongArray

      <T> void writeLongArray(int iProp, LongArray<? extends T> la) throws IOException
      Write a LongArray property to the POF stream.

      Each element of the given LongArray must be an instance (or an array of instances) of one of the following:

      Otherwise, a PofSerializer for each element of the LongArray must be obtainable from the PofContext associated with this PofWriter.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of elements in LongArray
      iProp - the property index
      la - the LongArray property to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream; or if the given property cannot be encoded into a POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeLongArray

      <T> void writeLongArray(int iProp, LongArray<T> la, Class<T> clz) throws IOException
      Write a uniform LongArray property to the POF stream.

      Each element of the given LongArray must be an instance (or an array of instances) of one of the following:

      Otherwise, a PofSerializer for each element of the LongArray must be obtainable from the PofContext associated with this PofWriter.

      Additionally, the type of each element must be equal to the specified class.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of elements in LongArray
      iProp - the property index
      la - the LongArray property to write
      clz - the class of all elements; must not be null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream; if the given property cannot be encoded into a POF stream; or if the type of one or more elements of the LongArray is not equal to the specified class
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeMap

      <K, V> void writeMap(int iProp, Map<? extends K,? extends V> map) throws IOException
      Write a Map property to the POF stream.

      Each key and value of the given Map must be an instance (or an array of instances) of one of the following:

      Otherwise, a PofSerializer for each key and value of the Map must be obtainable from the PofContext associated with this PofWriter.

      Type Parameters:
      K - the key type
      V - the value type
      iProp - the property index
      map - the Map property to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream; or if the given property cannot be encoded into a POF stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeMap

      <K, V> void writeMap(int iProp, Map<K,? extends V> map, Class<? extends K> clzKey) throws IOException
      Write a uniform key Map property to the POF stream.

      Each key and value of the given Map must be an instance (or an array of instances) of one of the following:

      Otherwise, a PofSerializer for each key and value of the Map must be obtainable from the PofContext associated with this PofWriter.

      Additionally, the type of each key must be equal to the specified class.

      Type Parameters:
      K - the key type
      V - the value type
      iProp - the property index
      map - the Map property to write
      clzKey - the class of all keys; must not be null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream; if the given property cannot be encoded into a POF stream; or if the type of one or more keys is not equal to the specified class
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • writeMap

      <K, V> void writeMap(int iProp, Map<K,V> map, Class<? extends K> clzKey, Class<? extends V> clzValue) throws IOException
      Write a uniform Map property to the POF stream.

      Each key and value of the given Map must be an instance (or an array of instances) of one of the following:

      Otherwise, a PofSerializer for each key and value of the Map must be obtainable from the PofContext associated with this PofWriter.

      Additionally, the type of each key and value must be equal to the specified key class and value class respectively.

      Type Parameters:
      K - the key type
      V - the value type
      iProp - the property index
      map - the Map property to write
      clzKey - the class of all keys; must not be null
      clzValue - the class of all values; must not be null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream; if the given property cannot be encoded into a POF stream; or if the type of one or more keys or values of the Map is not equal to the specified key or value class
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • getPofContext

      PofContext getPofContext()
      Return the PofContext object used by this PofWriter to serialize user types to a POF stream.
      the PofContext object that contains user type meta-data
    • setPofContext

      void setPofContext(PofContext ctx)
      Configure the PofContext object used by this PofWriter to serialize user types to a POF stream.

      Note: this is an advanced method that should be used with care. For example, if this method is being used to switch to another PofContext mid-POF stream, it is important to eventually restore the original PofContext. For example:

       PofContext ctxOrig = writer.getPofContext();
           // switch to another PofContext
           PofContext ctxNew = ...;
           // output POF data using the writer
           // restore the original PofContext
      ctx - the new PofContext; must not be null
    • getUserTypeId

      int getUserTypeId()
      Determine the user type that is currently being written.
      the user type identifier, or -1 if the PofWriter is not currently writing a user type
    • getVersionId

      int getVersionId()
      Determine the version identifier of the user type that is currently being written.
      the integer version ID of the user type; always non-negative
      IllegalStateException - if no user type is being written
    • setVersionId

      void setVersionId(int nVersionId)
      Set the version identifier of the user type that is currently being written.
      nVersionId - the user type identifier; must be non-negative
      IllegalArgumentException - if the given version ID is negative
      IllegalStateException - if no user type is being written
    • createNestedPofWriter

      PofWriter createNestedPofWriter(int iProp) throws IOException
      Obtain a PofWriter that can be used to write a set of properties into a single property of the current user type. The returned PofWriter is only valid from the time that it is returned until the next call is made to this PofWriter.
      iProp - the property index
      a PofWriter whose contents are nested into a single property of this PofWriter
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IllegalStateException - if no user type is being written
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      Coherence 3.6
    • createNestedPofWriter

      PofWriter createNestedPofWriter(int iProp, int nTypeId) throws IOException
      Obtain a PofWriter that can be used to write a set of properties into a single property of the current user type. The returned PofWriter is only valid from the time that it is returned until the next call is made to this PofWriter.
      iProp - the property index
      nTypeId - the type identifier of the nested property
      a PofWriter whose contents are nested into a single property of this PofWriter
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property index is invalid, or is less than or equal to the index of the previous property written to the POF stream
      IllegalStateException - if no user type is being written
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      Coherence 12.2.1
    • writeRemainder

      void writeRemainder(Binary binProps) throws IOException
      Write the remaining properties to the POF stream, terminating the writing of the current user type. As part of writing out a user type, this method must be called by the PofSerializer that is writing out the user type, or the POF stream will be corrupted.

      Calling this method terminates the current user type by writing a -1 to the POF stream after the last indexed property. Subsequent calls to the various writeXYZ methods of this interface will fail after this method is called.

      binProps - a Binary object containing zero or more indexed properties in binary POF encoded form; may be null
      IllegalStateException - if no user type is being written
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs