Class RegexFilter<T,E>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the input argument to the filter
E - the type of the extracted attribute to use for comparison
All Implemented Interfaces:
ExternalizableLite, PortableObject, Filter<T>, EntryFilter<Object,T>, IndexAwareFilter<Object,T>, QueryRecorderFilter<T>, Serializable

public class RegexFilter<T,E> extends ComparisonFilter<T,E,String>
Filter which uses the regular expression pattern match defined by the String.matches(String) contract. This implementation is not index aware and will not take advantage of existing indexes.
Coherence 3.6
gg 2010.05.02
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • RegexFilter

      public RegexFilter()
      Default constructor (necessary for the ExternalizableLite interface).
    • RegexFilter

      public RegexFilter(ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends E> extractor, String sRegex)
      Construct a RegexFilter for testing pattern matching.
      extractor - the ValueExtractor to use by this filter
      sRegex - the regular expression to match the result with
    • RegexFilter

      public RegexFilter(String sMethod, String sRegex)
      Construct a RegexFilter for testing pattern matching.
      sMethod - the name of the method to invoke via reflection
      sRegex - the regular expression to match the result with
  • Method Details

    • evaluateExtracted

      protected boolean evaluateExtracted(E extracted)
      Evaluate the specified extracted value.
      Specified by:
      evaluateExtracted in class ExtractorFilter<T,E>
      extracted - an extracted value to evaluate
      true iff the test passes