Interface QueryRecorderFilter<T>

All Superinterfaces:
Filter<T>, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractQueryRecorderFilter, AllFilter, AlwaysFilter, AndFilter, AnyFilter, ArrayFilter, BetweenFilter, ComparisonFilter, ContainsAllFilter, ContainsAnyFilter, ContainsFilter, EqualsFilter, ExtractorFilter, GreaterEqualsFilter, GreaterFilter, InFilter, InKeySetFilter, IsNotNullFilter, IsNullFilter, LessEqualsFilter, LessFilter, LikeFilter, LimitFilter, NeverFilter, NotEqualsFilter, NotFilter, OrFilter, PredicateFilter, RegexFilter, WrapperQueryRecorderFilter, XorFilter

public interface QueryRecorderFilter<T> extends Filter<T>
QueryRecorderFilter is an extension of EntryFilter that allows the projected or actual costs of query execution to be recorded.

During a query execution each filter performs one or more logical operations called "steps". Filters that implement this interface are expected to produce an estimated cost of execution by the explain method and the actual execution cost by the trace(QueryContext, com.tangosol.util.QueryRecord.PartialResult.TraceStep, java.util.Set) and trace(QueryContext, com.tangosol.util.QueryRecord.PartialResult.TraceStep, java.util.Map.Entry) methods.

Coherence 3.7.1
tb 2011.05.26