Interface QueryRecord.PartialResult.TraceStep

All Superinterfaces:
QueryRecord.PartialResult.RecordableStep, QueryRecord.PartialResult.Step
All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface QueryRecord.PartialResult.TraceStep extends QueryRecord.PartialResult.RecordableStep
A QueryRecord.TraceStep is a QueryRecord.PartialResult.RecordableStep that provides the ability to record the information associated with the actual cost of evaluating a filter as part of a query operation.
  • Method Details

    • recordPostFilterKeys

      void recordPostFilterKeys(int cKeys)
      Record the number of keys remaining after filter evaluation. This method may be called repeatedly on the same step instance during the scan phase of a query trace plan operation. Each call will add to the total recorded post-evaluation key set size for this step.

      During the scan phase of a query trace plan operation, each entry is evaluated against the filter individually. Each call to trace should record a key set count of 1 and a result key set count of fResult ? 1 : 0 where fResult is the result of a call to EntryFilter.evaluateEntry(Map.Entry).

      cKeys - the number of keys remaining after filter evaluation
    • recordDuration

      void recordDuration(long cMillis)
      Record the time spent evaluating the filter or applying an index. This method may be called repeatedly on the same step instance during the scan phase of a query trace plan operation. Calling this method repeatedly will add to the total duration recorded for this step.
      cMillis - the number of milliseconds spent evaluating the filter
    • ensureStep

      Ensure an inner nested trace step for the given filter. If there is no inner nested step associated with the given filter then a new step is created.
      filter - the filter to associate the new step with
      the inner nested step associated with the given filter