Class ReadWriteBackingMap.WriteThread

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Guardable, Runnable
    Enclosing class:

    public class ReadWriteBackingMap.WriteThread
    extends Daemon
    This is the write-behind thread that pulls things from the write-behind queue and writes them to the CacheStore that the backing map uses.
    cp 2002.10.22
    • Constructor Detail

      • WriteThread

        public WriteThread()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public void run()
        The daemon's implementation method.
        Specified by:
        run in interface Runnable
        Specified by:
        run in class Daemon
      • terminate

        public void terminate()
        Terminate this Guardable.

        This is the final action taken by the Guardian before the Guardable is removed from its responsibility list.

        Specified by:
        terminate in interface Guardable
        terminate in class Daemon
      • setGuardPolicy

        protected void setGuardPolicy​(Guardian guardian,
                                      long cTimeoutMillis,
                                      float flPctRecover)
        Set the Guardian and policy to guard this Daemon with. The Daemon is registered with the specified Guardian each time the Daemon is started, and is released each time the Daemon is stopped.
        setGuardPolicy in class Daemon
        guardian - the Guardian that will be guarding this Daemon
        cTimeoutMillis - the timeout in ms for this Daemon, or 0 for the service guardian timeout
        flPctRecover - the recovery percentage for this Daemon