Class NestingOPToken

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    CurlyToken, ListOpToken, ParenOPToken

    public class NestingOPToken
    extends OPToken
    implements Cloneable
    NestingOPToken is an abstract classused to implement parsing situation where some nesting is implied. Typical uses are for processing between bracked symbols like "(" and ")". This class supports processing a nested collection of BaseTokens.
    djl 2009.03.14
    • Constructor Detail

      • NestingOPToken

        public NestingOPToken​(String sId,
                              int nBp)
        Construct a new NestingOPToken with the given parameters.
        sId - string identifier for this token
        nBp - the binding power for this token
      • NestingOPToken

        public NestingOPToken​(String sId,
                              int nBp,
                              String sLedASTName,
                              String sNudASTName)
        Construct a new NestingOPToken with the given parameters.
        sId - string representation of the token
        nBp - the binding power for this token
        sLedASTName - the name for this tokens AST
        sNudASTName - the name for this tokens AST