Class NestedBaseTokens

  • public class NestedBaseTokens
    extends CompoundBaseToken
    NestedBaseTokens is a token that holds a sequence of tokens as well as the two bracketing characters. This nesting of tokens makes many algorithms easier in the higher levels of a parser.
    djl 2009.03.14
    • Constructor Detail

      • NestedBaseTokens

        public NestedBaseTokens​(char chStart,
                                char chEnd,
                                BaseToken[] aTokens)
        Construct a new NestedBaseTokens with the given parameters.
        chStart - the character that starts the nesting
        chEnd - the character that ends the nesting
        aTokens - the right argument for the node
    • Method Detail

      • getTokens

        public BaseToken[] getTokens()
        Return an array of BaseTokens making up the receiver.
        Specified by:
        getTokens in class CompoundBaseToken
        the an array of BaseTokens making up the receiver.
      • isNest

        public boolean isNest()
        Answer whether this token represents a nested collection of tokens.
        isNest in class BaseToken
        the answer to the question "is this token a nesting of tokens?"
      • getNestStart

        public char getNestStart()
        Obtain the character that begins the nesting.
        the character that begings the nesting
      • getNestEnd

        public char getNestEnd()
        Obtain the character that ends the nesting.
        the character that ends the nesting
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return a human-readable description for this token.
        toString in class CompoundBaseToken
        a String description of the token