Interface ServiceScheme

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
CachingScheme, NamedTopicScheme, ObservableCachingScheme, TopicScheme<C,S>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCachingScheme, AbstractCompositeScheme, AbstractJournalScheme, AbstractLocalCachingScheme, AbstractServiceScheme, BackingMapScheme, BaseGrpcCacheScheme, BaseGrpcScheme, CaffeineScheme, ClassScheme, ContinuousQueryCacheScheme, CustomScheme, DistributedScheme, ExternalScheme, FlashJournalScheme, InvocationScheme, LocalScheme, NearScheme, OptimisticScheme, OverflowScheme, PagedExternalScheme, PagedTopicScheme, PagedTopicStorageScheme, ProxyScheme, RamJournalScheme, ReadWriteBackingMapScheme, RemoteCacheScheme, RemoteInvocationScheme, ReplicatedScheme, TransactionalScheme, ViewScheme, WrapperCachingScheme

public interface ServiceScheme extends Scheme
This interface exposes service related scheme information. Other schemes, such as CachingScheme, extend this class to add support for caches and maps.
Coherence 12.1.2
pfm 2011.12.30
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • isAutoStart

      boolean isAutoStart()
      Return true if the service has auto-start enabled.
      the auto-start flag.
    • getServiceName

      String getServiceName()
      Return the service name.
      the service name
    • getScopedServiceName

      String getScopedServiceName()
      Return the service name with any scoping applied. The scoped name in general has the following format:
         [<domain-partition-name>'/'] [<application-scope>':'] <service-name>
      the scoped service name
    • getServiceType

      String getServiceType()
      Return the service type.
      the service type
    • getServiceBuilder

      ServiceBuilder getServiceBuilder()
      Return the ServiceBuilder that is needed to build a service.
      the ServiceBuilder or null if the scheme does not support services.
    • getEventInterceptorBuilders

      List<NamedEventInterceptorBuilder> getEventInterceptorBuilders()
      Obtains the List of NamedEventInterceptorBuilders that have been defined for the ServiceScheme.

      Note: For those ServiceSchemes don't support event interceptors, the returned value must be an empty list.

      an List over NamedEventInterceptorBuilders
    • getNamedCollectionBuilder

      default NamedCollectionBuilder getNamedCollectionBuilder(Class<? extends NamedCollection> clz,<NamedCollection.Option> options)
    • getScopePrefix

      static String getScopePrefix(String sScopeName, com.tangosol.application.ContainerContext context)
      Return a scope name prefixed with any tenancy name.
      sScopeName - the scope name to prefix
      context - an optional container name to use to obtain the domain partition
      a scope name with a domain partition prefix, or the plain scope name if there is no domain partition
    • getScopedServiceName

      static String getScopedServiceName(String sScopeName, String sServiceName)
      Return a scoped service name
      sScopeName - the optional scope name
      sServiceName - the service name
      the scoped service name