Class AbstractRepository<ID,T>

Type Parameters:
ID - the type of entity's identifier
T - the type of entity stored in this repository

public abstract class AbstractRepository<ID,T> extends AbstractRepositoryBase<ID,T,NamedMap<ID,T>>
Abstract base class for Coherence repository implementations.
Aleks Seovic 2021.01.28
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractRepository

      public AbstractRepository()
  • Method Details

    • save

      public T save(T entity)
      Store the specified entity.
      entity - the entity to store
      the saved entity
    • saveAll

      public void saveAll(Collection<? extends T> colEntities)
      Store all specified entities as a batch.
      colEntities - the entities to store
    • saveAll

      public void saveAll(Stream<? extends T> strEntities)
      Store all specified entities as a batch.
      strEntities - the entities to store
    • get

      public T get(ID id)
      Return an entity with a given identifier.
      id - the entity's identifier
      an entity with a given identifier
    • exists

      public boolean exists(ID id)
      Returns true if this repository contains the entity with the specified identifier.
      id - the identifier of an entity to check if it exists
      true if this repository contains the entity with the specified identifier
    • get

      public <R> R get(ID id, ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> extractor)
      Return the value extracted from an entity with a given identifier.

      For example, you could extract Person's name attribute by calling a getter on a remote Person entity instance:

           people.get(ssn, Person::getName);
      You could also extract a Fragment containing the Person's name and age attributes by calling corresponding getters on the remote Person entity instance:
           Fragment<Person> person = people.get(ssn, Extractors.fragment(Person::getName, Person::getAge));
           System.out.println("name: " + person.get(Person::getName));
           System.out.println(" age: " + person.get(Person::getAge));
      Finally, you can also extract nested fragments:
           Fragment<Person> person = people.get(ssn,
                 Extractors.fragment(Person::getName, Person::getAge,
                                     Extractors.fragment(Person::getAddress, Address::getCity, Address::getState));
           System.out.println(" name: " + person.get(Person::getName));
           System.out.println("  age: " + person.get(Person::getAge));
           Fragment<Address> address = person.getFragment(Person::getAddress);
           System.out.println(" city: " + address.get(Address::getCity));
           System.out.println("state: " + address.get(Address::getState));
      Note that the actual extraction (via the invocation of the specified getter method) will happen on the primary owner for the specified entity, and only the extracted value will be sent over the network to the client, which can significantly reduce the amount of data transferred.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of the extracted value
      id - the entity's identifier
      extractor - the ValueExtractor to extract value with
      the extracted value
    • getAll

      public Collection<T> getAll()
      Return all entities in this repository.
      all entities in this repository
    • getAll

      public <R> Map<ID,R> getAll(ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> extractor)
      Return a map of values extracted from all entities in the repository.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of the extracted values
      extractor - the ValueExtractor to extract values with
      the map of extracted values, keyed by entity id
      See Also:
    • getAll

      public Collection<T> getAll(Collection<? extends ID> colIds)
      Return the entities with the specified identifiers.
      colIds - the entity identifiers
      the entities with the specified identifiers
    • getAll

      public <R> Map<ID,R> getAll(Collection<? extends ID> colIds, ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> extractor)
      Return a map of values extracted from a set of entities with the given identifiers.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of the extracted values
      colIds - the entity identifiers
      extractor - the ValueExtractor to extract values with
      the map of extracted values, keyed by entity id
      See Also:
    • getAll

      public Collection<T> getAll(Filter<?> filter)
      Return all entities that satisfy the specified criteria.
      filter - the criteria to evaluate
      all entities that satisfy the specified criteria
    • getAll

      public <R> Map<ID,R> getAll(Filter<?> filter, ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> extractor)
      Return a map of values extracted from a set of entities based on the specified criteria.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of the extracted values
      filter - the criteria to use to select entities for extraction
      extractor - the ValueExtractor to extract values with
      the map of extracted values, keyed by entity id
      See Also:
    • getAllOrderedBy

      public <R extends Comparable<? super R>> Collection<T> getAllOrderedBy(ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> orderBy)
      Return all entities in this repository, sorted using specified Comparable attribute.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of the extracted values
      orderBy - the Comparable attribute to sort the results by
      all entities in this repository, sorted using specified Comparable attribute.
    • getAllOrderedBy

      public <R extends Comparable<? super R>> Collection<T> getAllOrderedBy(Filter<?> filter, ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> orderBy)
      Return all entities that satisfy the specified criteria, sorted using specified Comparable attribute.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of the extracted values
      filter - the criteria to evaluate
      orderBy - the Comparable attribute to sort the results by
      all entities that satisfy specified criteria, sorted using specified Comparable attribute.
    • getAllOrderedBy

      public Collection<T> getAllOrderedBy(Remote.Comparator<? super T> orderBy)
      Return all entities in this repository, sorted using specified Remote.Comparator.
      orderBy - the comparator to sort the results with
      all entities in this repository, sorted using specified Remote.Comparator.
    • getAllOrderedBy

      public Collection<T> getAllOrderedBy(Filter<?> filter, Remote.Comparator<? super T> orderBy)
      Return all entities that satisfy the specified criteria, sorted using specified Remote.Comparator.
      filter - the criteria to evaluate
      orderBy - the comparator to sort the results with
      all entities that satisfy specified criteria, sorted using specified Remote.Comparator.
    • update

      public <U> void update(ID id, ValueUpdater<? super T,? super U> updater, U value)
      Update an entity using specified updater and the new value.

      For example, you could update Person's age attribute by calling a setter on a remote Person entity instance:

           people.update(ssn, Person::setAge, 21);
      Note that the actual update (via the invocation of the specified setter method) will happen on the primary owner for the specified entity, and the updater will have exclusive access to an entity during the execution.
      Type Parameters:
      U - the type of value to update
      id - the entity's identifier
      updater - the updater function to use
      value - the value to update entity with, which will be passed as an argument to the updater function
    • update

      public <U> void update(ID id, ValueUpdater<? super T,? super U> updater, U value, EntityFactory<? super ID,? extends T> factory)
      Update an entity using specified updater and the new value, and optional EntityFactory that will be used to create entity instance if it doesn't already exist in the repository.

      For example, you could update Person's age attribute by calling a setter on a remote Person entity instance:

           people.update(ssn, Person::setAge, 21, Person::new);
      If the person with the specified identifier does not exist, the EntityFactory will be used to create a new instance. In the example above, it will invoke a constructor on the Person class that takes identifier as an argument.

      Note that the actual update (via the invocation of the specified setter method) will happen on the primary owner for the specified entity, and the updater will have exclusive access to an entity during the execution.

      Type Parameters:
      U - the type of value to update
      id - the entity's identifier
      updater - the updater function to use
      value - the value to update entity with, which will be passed as an argument to the updater function
      factory - the entity factory to use to create new entity instance
    • update

      public <R> R update(ID id, Remote.Function<? super T,? extends R> updater)
      Update an entity using specified updater function.

      For example, you could increment Person's age attribute and return the updated Person entity:

          people.update(ssn, person ->
              person.setAge(person.getAge() + 1);
              return person;
      This variant of the update method offers ultimate flexibility, as it allows you to return any value you want as the result of the invocation, at the cost of typically slightly more complex logic at the call site.

      Note that the actual update (via the evaluation of the specified function) will happen on the primary owner for the specified entity, and the updater will have exclusive access to an entity during the execution.

      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of return value of the updater function
      id - the entity's identifier
      updater - the updater function to use
      the result of updater function evaluation
    • update

      public <R> R update(ID id, Remote.Function<? super T,? extends R> updater, EntityFactory<? super ID,? extends T> factory)
      Update an entity using specified updater function, and optional EntityFactory that will be used to create entity instance if it doesn't already exist in the repository.

      For example, you could increment Person's age attribute and return the updated Person entity:

          people.update(ssn, person ->
              person.setAge(person.getAge() + 1);
              return person;
              }, Person::new);
      If the person with the specified identifier does not exist, the EntityFactory will be used to create a new instance. In the example above, it will invoke a constructor on the Person class that takes identifier as an argument.

      This variant of the update method offers ultimate flexibility, as it allows you to return any value you want as the result of the invocation, at the cost of typically slightly more complex logic at the call site.

      Note that the actual update (via the evaluation of the specified function) will happen on the primary owner for the specified entity, and the updater will have exclusive access to an entity during the execution.

      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of return value of the updater function
      id - the entity's identifier
      updater - the updater function to use
      factory - the entity factory to use to create new entity instance
      the result of updater function evaluation
    • update

      public <U, R> R update(ID id, Remote.BiFunction<? super T,? super U,? extends R> updater, U value)
      Update an entity using specified updater and the new value.

      Unlike update(Object, ValueUpdater, Object), which doesn't return anything, this method is typically used to invoke "fluent" methods on the target entity that return entity itself (although they are free to return any value they want).

      For example, you could use it to add an item to the ShoppingCart entity and return the updated ShoppingCart instance in a single call:

           Item item = ...
           ShoppingCart cart = carts.update(cartId, ShoppingCart::addItem, item);
      Note that the actual update (via the invocation of the specified setter method) will happen on the primary owner for the specified entity, and the updater will have exclusive access to an entity during the execution.
      Type Parameters:
      U - the type of value to update
      R - the type of return value of the updater function
      id - the entity's identifier
      updater - the updater function to use
      value - the value to update entity with, which will be passed as an argument to the updater function
      the result of updater function evaluation
    • update

      public <U, R> R update(ID id, Remote.BiFunction<? super T,? super U,? extends R> updater, U value, EntityFactory<? super ID,? extends T> factory)
      Update an entity using specified updater function, and optional EntityFactory that will be used to create entity instance if it doesn't already exist in the repository.

      Unlike update(Object, ValueUpdater, Object), which doesn't return anything, this method is typically used to invoke "fluent" methods on the target entity that return entity itself (although they are free to return any value they want).

      For example, you could use it to add an item to the ShoppingCart entity and return the updated ShoppingCart instance in a single call:

           Item item = ...
           ShoppingCart cart = carts.update(cartId, ShoppingCart::addItem, item, ShoppingCart::new);
      If the cart with the specified identifier does not exist, the specified EntityFactory will be used to create a new instance. In the example above, it will invoke a constructor on the ShoppingCart class that takes identifier as an argument.

      Note that the actual update (via the evaluation of the specified function) will happen on the primary owner for the specified entity, and the updater will have exclusive access to an entity during the execution.

      Type Parameters:
      U - the type of value to update
      R - the type of return value of the updater function
      id - the entity's identifier
      updater - the updater function to use
      value - the value to update entity with, which will be passed as an argument to the updater function
      factory - the entity factory to use to create new entity instance
      the result of updater function evaluation
    • updateAll

      public <U> void updateAll(Filter<?> filter, ValueUpdater<? super T,? super U> updater, U value)
      Update multiple entities using specified updater and the new value.
      Type Parameters:
      U - the type of value to update
      filter - the criteria to use to select entities to update
      updater - the updater function to use
      value - the value to update each entity with, which will be passed as an argument to the updater function
    • updateAll

      public <R> Map<ID,R> updateAll(Filter<?> filter, Remote.Function<? super T,? extends R> updater)
      Update multiple entities using specified updater function.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of return value of the updater function
      filter - the criteria to use to select entities to update
      updater - the updater function to use
      a map of updater function results, keyed by entity id
    • updateAll

      public <U, R> Map<ID,R> updateAll(Filter<?> filter, Remote.BiFunction<? super T,? super U,? extends R> updater, U value)
      Update multiple entities using specified updater and the new value.
      Type Parameters:
      U - the type of value to update
      R - the type of return value of the updater function
      filter - the criteria to use to select entities to update
      updater - the updater function to use
      value - the value to update each entity with, which will be passed as an argument to the updater function
      a map of updater function results, keyed by entity id
    • removeById

      public boolean removeById(ID id)
      Remove the entity with a specified identifier.
      id - the identifier of an entity to remove, if present
      true if this repository contained the specified entity
    • removeById

      public T removeById(ID id, boolean fReturn)
      Remove the entity with a specified identifier.
      id - the identifier of an entity to remove
      fReturn - the flag specifying whether to return removed entity
      removed entity, iff fReturn == true; null otherwise
    • remove

      public boolean remove(T entity)
      Remove the specified entity.
      entity - the entity to remove
      true if this repository contained the specified entity
    • remove

      public T remove(T entity, boolean fReturn)
      Remove specified entity.
      entity - the entity to remove
      fReturn - the flag specifying whether to return removed entity
      removed entity, iff fReturn == true; null otherwise
    • removeAllById

      public boolean removeAllById(Collection<? extends ID> colIds)
      Remove entities with the specified identifiers.
      colIds - the identifiers of the entities to remove
      true if this repository changed as a result of the call
    • removeAllById

      public Map<ID,T> removeAllById(Collection<? extends ID> colIds, boolean fReturn)
      Remove entities with the specified identifiers.
      colIds - the identifiers of the entities to remove
      fReturn - the flag specifying whether to return removed entity
      the map of removed entity identifiers as keys, and the removed entities as values iff fReturn == true; null otherwise
    • removeAll

      public boolean removeAll(Collection<? extends T> colEntities)
      Remove the specified entities.
      colEntities - the entities to remove
      true if this repository changed as a result of the call
    • removeAll

      public Map<ID,T> removeAll(Collection<? extends T> colEntities, boolean fReturn)
      Remove the specified entities.
      colEntities - the entities to remove
      fReturn - the flag specifying whether to return removed entity
      the map of removed entity identifiers as keys, and the removed entities as values iff fReturn == true; null otherwise
    • removeAll

      public boolean removeAll(Stream<? extends T> strEntities)
      Remove the specified entities.
      strEntities - the entities to remove
      true if this repository changed as a result of the call
    • removeAll

      public Map<ID,T> removeAll(Stream<? extends T> strEntities, boolean fReturn)
      Remove specified entities.
      strEntities - the entities to remove
      fReturn - the flag specifying whether to return removed entity
      the map of removed entity identifiers as keys, and the removed entities as values iff fReturn == true; null otherwise
    • removeAll

      public boolean removeAll(Filter<?> filter)
      Remove all entities based on the specified criteria.
      filter - the criteria that should be used to select entities to remove
      true if this repository changed as a result of the call
    • removeAll

      public Map<ID,T> removeAll(Filter<?> filter, boolean fReturn)
      Remove all entities based on the specified criteria.
      filter - the criteria that should be used to select entities to remove
      fReturn - the flag specifying whether to return removed entity
      the map of removed entity identifiers as keys, and the removed entities as values iff fReturn == true; null otherwise
    • stream

      public RemoteStream<T> stream()
      Return a stream of all entities in this repository.
      a stream of all entities in this repository
    • stream

      public RemoteStream<T> stream(Collection<? extends ID> colIds)
      Return a stream of entities with the specified identifiers.
      colIds - the identifiers of the entities to include in the returned stream
      a stream of entities for the specified identifiers
    • stream

      public RemoteStream<T> stream(Filter<?> filter)
      Return a stream of all entities in this repository that satisfy the specified criteria.
      filter - the criteria an entity must satisfy in order to be included in the returned stream
      a stream of entities that satisfy the specified criteria
    • count

      public long count()
      Return the number of entities in this repository.
      the number of entities in this repository
    • count

      public long count(Filter<?> filter)
      Return the number of entities in this repository that satisfy specified filter.
      filter - the filter to evaluate
      the number of entities in this repository that satisfy specified filter
    • max

      public int max(Remote.ToIntFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the maximum value of the specified function.
      extractor - the function to determine the maximum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the maximum value of the specified function
    • max

      public int max(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToIntFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the maximum value of the specified function.
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to determine the maximum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the maximum value of the specified function
    • max

      public long max(Remote.ToLongFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the maximum value of the specified function.
      extractor - the function to determine the maximum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the maximum value of the specified function
    • max

      public long max(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToLongFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the maximum value of the specified function.
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to determine the maximum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the maximum value of the specified function
    • max

      public double max(Remote.ToDoubleFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the maximum value of the specified function.
      extractor - the function to determine the maximum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getWeight
      the maximum value of the specified function
    • max

      public double max(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToDoubleFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the maximum value of the specified function.
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to determine the maximum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getWeight
      the maximum value of the specified function
    • max

      public BigDecimal max(Remote.ToBigDecimalFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the maximum value of the specified function.
      extractor - the function to determine the maximum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getSalary
      the maximum value of the specified function
    • max

      public BigDecimal max(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToBigDecimalFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the maximum value of the specified function.
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to determine the maximum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getSalary
      the maximum value of the specified function
    • max

      public <R extends Comparable<? super R>> R max(Remote.ToComparableFunction<? super T,R> extractor)
      Return the maximum value of the specified function.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of the extracted value
      extractor - the function to determine the maximum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getName
      the maximum value of the specified function
    • max

      public <R extends Comparable<? super R>> R max(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToComparableFunction<? super T,R> extractor)
      Return the maximum value of the specified function.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of the extracted value
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to determine the maximum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getName
      the maximum value of the specified function
    • maxBy

      public <R extends Comparable<? super R>> Optional<T> maxBy(ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> extractor)
      Return the entity with the maximum value of the specified function.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of the extracted value
      extractor - the function to determine the maximum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the entity with the maximum value of the specified function
    • maxBy

      public <R extends Comparable<? super R>> Optional<T> maxBy(Filter<?> filter, ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> extractor)
      Return the entity with the maximum value of the specified function.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of the extracted value
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to determine the maximum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the entity with the maximum value of the specified function
    • min

      public int min(Remote.ToIntFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the minimum value of the specified function.
      extractor - the function to determine the minimum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the minimum value of the specified function
    • min

      public int min(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToIntFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the minimum value of the specified function.
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to determine the minimum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the minimum value of the specified function
    • min

      public long min(Remote.ToLongFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the minimum value of the specified function.
      extractor - the function to determine the minimum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the minimum value of the specified function
    • min

      public long min(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToLongFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the minimum value of the specified function.
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to determine the minimum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the minimum value of the specified function
    • min

      public double min(Remote.ToDoubleFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the minimum value of the specified function.
      extractor - the function to determine the minimum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getWeight
      the minimum value of the specified function
    • min

      public double min(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToDoubleFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the minimum value of the specified function.
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to determine the minimum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getWeight
      the minimum value of the specified function
    • min

      public BigDecimal min(Remote.ToBigDecimalFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the minimum value of the specified function.
      extractor - the function to determine the minimum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getSalary
      the minimum value of the specified function
    • min

      public BigDecimal min(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToBigDecimalFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the minimum value of the specified function.
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to determine the minimum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getSalary
      the minimum value of the specified function
    • min

      public <R extends Comparable<? super R>> R min(Remote.ToComparableFunction<? super T,R> extractor)
      Return the minimum value of the specified function.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of the extracted value
      extractor - the function to determine the minimum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getName
      the minimum value of the specified function
    • min

      public <R extends Comparable<? super R>> R min(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToComparableFunction<? super T,R> extractor)
      Return the minimum value of the specified function.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of the extracted value
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to determine the minimum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getName
      the minimum value of the specified function
    • minBy

      public <R extends Comparable<? super R>> Optional<T> minBy(ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> extractor)
      Return the entity with the minimum value of the specified function.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of the extracted value
      extractor - the function to determine the minimum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the entity with the minimum value of the specified function
    • minBy

      public <R extends Comparable<? super R>> Optional<T> minBy(Filter<?> filter, ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> extractor)
      Return the entity with the minimum value of the specified function.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of the extracted value
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to determine the minimum value for; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the entity with the minimum value of the specified function
    • sum

      public long sum(Remote.ToIntFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the sum of the specified function.
      extractor - the function to sum; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the sum of the specified function
    • sum

      public long sum(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToIntFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the sum of the specified function.
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to sum; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the sum of the specified function
    • sum

      public long sum(Remote.ToLongFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the sum of the specified function.
      extractor - the function to sum; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the sum of the specified function
    • sum

      public long sum(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToLongFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the sum of the specified function.
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to sum; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the sum of the specified function
    • sum

      public double sum(Remote.ToDoubleFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the sum of the specified function.
      extractor - the function to sum; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getWeight
      the sum of the specified function
    • sum

      public double sum(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToDoubleFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the sum of the specified function.
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to sum; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getWeight
      the sum of the specified function
    • sum

      public BigDecimal sum(Remote.ToBigDecimalFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the sum of the specified function.
      extractor - the function to sum; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getSalary
      the sum of the specified function
    • sum

      public BigDecimal sum(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToBigDecimalFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the sum of the specified function.
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to sum; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getSalary
      the sum of the specified function
    • average

      public double average(Remote.ToIntFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the average of the specified function.
      extractor - the function to average; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the average of the specified function
    • average

      public double average(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToIntFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the average of the specified function.
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to average; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the average of the specified function
    • average

      public double average(Remote.ToLongFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the average of the specified function.
      extractor - the function to average; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the average of the specified function
    • average

      public double average(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToLongFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the average of the specified function.
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to average; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getAge
      the average of the specified function
    • average

      public double average(Remote.ToDoubleFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the average of the specified function.
      extractor - the function to average; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getWeight
      the average of the specified function
    • average

      public double average(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToDoubleFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the average of the specified function.
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to average; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getWeight
      the average of the specified function
    • average

      public BigDecimal average(Remote.ToBigDecimalFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the average of the specified function.
      extractor - the function to average; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getSalary
      the average of the specified function
    • average

      public BigDecimal average(Filter<?> filter, Remote.ToBigDecimalFunction<? super T> extractor)
      Return the average of the specified function.
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the function to average; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getSalary
      the average of the specified function
    • distinct

      public <R> Collection<? extends R> distinct(ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> extractor)
      Return the set of distinct values for the specified extractor.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of extracted values
      extractor - the extractor to get a value from; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getName
      the set of distinct values for the specified extractor
    • distinct

      public <R> Collection<? extends R> distinct(Filter<?> filter, ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> extractor)
      Return the set of distinct values for the specified extractor.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of extracted values
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the extractor to get a value from; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getName
      the set of distinct values for the specified extractor
    • groupBy

      public <K> Map<K,Set<T>> groupBy(ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends K> extractor)
      Return the grouping of entities by the specified extractor.
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of extracted grouping keys
      extractor - the extractor to get a grouping value from; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getGender
      the grouping of entities by the specified extractor; the keys in the returned map will be distinct values extracted by the specified extractor, and the values will be sets of entities that match each extracted key
    • groupBy

      public <K> Map<K,SortedSet<T>> groupBy(ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends K> extractor, Remote.Comparator<? super T> orderBy)
      Return the grouping of entities by the specified extractor, ordered by the specified attribute within each group.
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of extracted grouping keys
      extractor - the extractor to get a grouping value from; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getGender
      orderBy - the Remote.Comparator to sort the results within each group by
      the grouping of entities by the specified extractor; the keys in the returned map will be distinct values extracted by the specified extractor, and the values will be sorted sets of entities that match each extracted key
    • groupBy

      public <K> Map<K,Set<T>> groupBy(Filter<?> filter, ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends K> extractor)
      Return the grouping of entities by the specified extractor.
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of extracted grouping keys
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the extractor to get a grouping value from; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getGender
      the grouping of entities by the specified extractor; the keys in the returned map will be distinct values extracted by the specified extractor, and the values will be sets of entities that match each extracted key
    • groupBy

      public <K> Map<K,SortedSet<T>> groupBy(Filter<?> filter, ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends K> extractor, Remote.Comparator<? super T> orderBy)
      Return the grouping of entities by the specified extractor, ordered by the specified attribute within each group.
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of extracted grouping keys
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the extractor to get a grouping value from; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getGender
      orderBy - the Remote.Comparator to sort the results within each group by
      the grouping of entities by the specified extractor; the keys in the returned map will be distinct values extracted by the specified extractor, and the values will be sorted sets of entities that match each extracted key
    • groupBy

      public <K, A, R> Map<K,R> groupBy(ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends K> extractor, RemoteCollector<? super T,A,R> collector)
      Return the grouping of entities by the specified extractor.
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of extracted grouping keys
      A - the type of collector's accumulator
      R - the type of collector's result
      extractor - the extractor to get a grouping value from; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getGender
      collector - the RemoteCollector to apply to grouped entities
      the grouping of entities by the specified extractor; the keys in the returned map will be distinct values extracted by the specified extractor, and the values will be results of the specified collector for each group
      See Also:
    • groupBy

      public <K, A, R> Map<K,R> groupBy(Filter<?> filter, ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends K> extractor, RemoteCollector<? super T,A,R> collector)
      Return the grouping of entities by the specified extractor.
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of extracted grouping keys
      A - the type of collector's accumulator
      R - the type of collector's result
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the extractor to get a grouping value from; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getGender
      collector - the RemoteCollector to apply to grouped entities
      the grouping of entities by the specified extractor; the keys in the returned map will be distinct values extracted by the specified extractor, and the values will be results of the specified collector for each group
      See Also:
    • groupBy

      public <K, A, R, M extends Map<K, R>> M groupBy(ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends K> extractor, Remote.Supplier<M> mapFactory, RemoteCollector<? super T,A,R> collector)
      Return the grouping of entities by the specified extractor.
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of extracted grouping keys
      A - the type of collector's accumulator
      R - the type of collector's result
      M - the type of result Map
      extractor - the extractor to get a grouping value from; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getGender
      mapFactory - the supplier to use to create result Map
      collector - the RemoteCollector to apply to grouped entities
      the grouping of entities by the specified extractor; the keys in the returned map will be distinct values extracted by the specified extractor, and the values will be results of the specified collector for each group
      See Also:
    • groupBy

      public <K, A, R, M extends Map<K, R>> M groupBy(Filter<?> filter, ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends K> extractor, Remote.Supplier<M> mapFactory, RemoteCollector<? super T,A,R> collector)
      Return the grouping of entities by the specified extractor.
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of extracted grouping keys
      A - the type of collector's accumulator
      R - the type of collector's result
      M - the type of result Map
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the extractor to get a grouping value from; typically a method reference on the entity class, such as Person::getGender
      mapFactory - the supplier to use to create result Map
      collector - the RemoteCollector to apply to grouped entities
      the grouping of entities by the specified extractor; the keys in the returned map will be distinct values extracted by the specified extractor, and the values will be results of the specified collector for each group
      See Also:
    • top

      public <R extends Comparable<? super R>> List<R> top(ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> extractor, int cResults)
      Return the top N highest values for the specified extractor.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of returned values
      extractor - the extractor to get the values to compare with
      cResults - the number of highest values to return
      the top N highest values for the specified extractor
    • top

      public <R extends Comparable<? super R>> List<R> top(Filter<?> filter, ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> extractor, int cResults)
      Return the top N highest values for the specified extractor.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of returned values
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the extractor to get the values to compare with
      cResults - the number of highest values to return
      the top N highest values for the specified extractor
    • top

      public <R> List<R> top(ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> extractor, Remote.Comparator<? super R> comparator, int cResults)
      Return the top N highest values for the specified extractor.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of returned values
      extractor - the extractor to get the values to compare with
      comparator - the comparator to use when comparing extracted values
      cResults - the number of highest values to return
      the top N highest values for the specified extractor
    • top

      public <R> List<R> top(Filter<?> filter, ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> extractor, Remote.Comparator<? super R> comparator, int cResults)
      Return the top N highest values for the specified extractor.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of returned values
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the extractor to get the values to compare with
      comparator - the comparator to use when comparing extracted values
      cResults - the number of highest values to return
      the top N highest values for the specified extractor
    • topBy

      public <R extends Comparable<? super R>> List<T> topBy(ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> extractor, int cResults)
      Return the top N entities with the highest values for the specified extractor.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of values used for comparison
      extractor - the extractor to get the values to compare with
      cResults - the number of highest values to return
      the top N entities with the highest values for the specified extractor
    • topBy

      public <R extends Comparable<? super R>> List<T> topBy(Filter<?> filter, ValueExtractor<? super T,? extends R> extractor, int cResults)
      Return the top N entities with the highest values for the specified extractor.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of values used for comparison
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      extractor - the extractor to get the values to compare with
      cResults - the number of highest values to return
      the top N entities with the highest values for the specified extractor
    • topBy

      public List<T> topBy(Remote.Comparator<? super T> comparator, int cResults)
      Return the top N entities with the highest values for the specified extractor.
      comparator - the comparator to use when comparing extracted values
      cResults - the number of highest values to return
      the top N entities with the highest values for the specified extractor
    • topBy

      public List<T> topBy(Filter<?> filter, Remote.Comparator<? super T> comparator, int cResults)
      Return the top N entities with the highest values for the specified extractor.
      filter - the entity selection criteria
      comparator - the comparator to use when comparing extracted values
      cResults - the number of highest values to return
      the top N entities with the highest values for the specified extractor