Interface Task.Orchestration<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of results produced by a Task
All Superinterfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Task.Orchestration<T> extends Task.SubscribedOrchestration<T>
Defines information concerning the orchestration of a Task across a set of Executors for a given TaskExecutorService. This information represents the first part of an orchestration pipeline definition, which is agnostic to the final type of result. The optional second and last part of an orchestration pipeline is defined by the Task.Collectable, produced when collect(Collector) is called. Task.SubscribedOrchestration.subscribe(Subscriber) (optional) and Task.SubscribedOrchestration.submit() may be called directly on the Task.Orchestration if using a Task.Collector is not desired.
See Also: