Interface EntryFilter<K,V>

Type Parameters:
K - the type of the Map entry key
V - the type of the Map entry value
All Superinterfaces:
Filter<V>, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AllFilter, AlwaysFilter, AndFilter, AnyFilter, ArrayFilter, BetweenFilter, ComparisonFilter, ContainsAllFilter, ContainsAnyFilter, ContainsFilter, EqualsFilter, ExtractorFilter, GreaterEqualsFilter, GreaterFilter, InFilter, InKeySetFilter, IsNotNullFilter, IsNullFilter, KeyFilter, LessEqualsFilter, LessFilter, LikeFilter, LimitFilter, LocalCacheAsynchronousMapListener.NonSyntheticEntryFilter, NeverFilter, NonSyntheticEntryFilter, NotEqualsFilter, NotFilter, OrFilter, PartitionedCacheAsynchronousMapListener.NonSyntheticEntryFilter, PartitionedCacheSyntheticDeleteMapListener.JCacheExpiryEntryFilter, PartitionedFilter, PredicateFilter, PresentFilter, PriorityFilter, RegexFilter, WrapperQueryRecorderFilter, XorFilter

public interface EntryFilter<K,V> extends Filter<V>
EntryFilter provides an extension to Filter for those cases in which both a key and a value may be necessary to evaluate the conditional inclusion of a particular object.
cp/gg 2002.11.01
  • Method Details

    • evaluateEntry

      boolean evaluateEntry(Map.Entry<? extends K,? extends V> entry)
      Apply the test to a Map Entry.
      entry - the Map Entry to evaluate; never null
      true if the test passes, false otherwise