Interface ResourceResolver

All Known Subinterfaces:
ProcessingContext, ResourceRegistry
All Known Implementing Classes:
ChainedResourceResolver, DefaultProcessingContext, NullImplementation.NullResourceRegistry, SimpleResourceRegistry, SimpleResourceResolver

public interface ResourceResolver
A ResourceResolver provides a mechanism to lookup and resolve optionally named, strongly typed resources.
Coherence 12.1.2
bo 2012.09.17
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    <R> R
    getResource(Class<R> clsResource)
    Attempts to retrieve the resource that was registered with the specified class.
    <R> R
    getResource(Class<R> clsResource, String sResourceName)
    Attempts to retrieve the resource that was registered with the specified class and name.
  • Method Details

    • getResource

      <R> R getResource(Class<R> clsResource)
      Attempts to retrieve the resource that was registered with the specified class.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of the resource
      clsResource - the class of the resource
      the registered resource or null if the resource is unknown to the ResourceRegistry
    • getResource

      <R> R getResource(Class<R> clsResource, String sResourceName)
      Attempts to retrieve the resource that was registered with the specified class and name.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of the resource
      clsResource - the class of the resource
      sResourceName - the name of the resource
      the registered resource or null if the resource is unknown to the ResourceRegistry