Interface SafePersistenceWrappers.FailureContinuationFactory<R,T extends Throwable>

Type Parameters:
R - the type of a raw, environment specific object representation
T - the type of a Throwable failure to protect
Enclosing class:

public static interface SafePersistenceWrappers.FailureContinuationFactory<R,T extends Throwable>
FailureContinuationFactory encapsulates failure continuations to handle unexpected exceptions thrown by implementations of the various persistence layers.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Continuation<? super T>
    getEnvironmentContinuation(<R> env)
    Return a failure continuation to handle unexpected exceptions thrown by operations against the specified PersistenceEnvironment.
    Continuation<? super T>
    getManagerContinuation(<R> mgr)
    Return a failure continuation to handle unexpected exceptions thrown by operations against the specified PersistenceManager.
    Continuation<? super T>
    getStoreContinuation(<R> store)
    Return a failure continuation to handle unexpected exceptions thrown by operations against the specified PersistentStore.
  • Method Details

    • getEnvironmentContinuation

      Continuation<? super T> getEnvironmentContinuation(<R> env)
      Return a failure continuation to handle unexpected exceptions thrown by operations against the specified PersistenceEnvironment.
      env - the PersistenceEnvironment
      a failure continuation
    • getManagerContinuation

      Continuation<? super T> getManagerContinuation(<R> mgr)
      Return a failure continuation to handle unexpected exceptions thrown by operations against the specified PersistenceManager.
      mgr - the PersistenceManager
      a failure continuation
    • getStoreContinuation

      Continuation<? super T> getStoreContinuation(<R> store)
      Return a failure continuation to handle unexpected exceptions thrown by operations against the specified PersistentStore.
      store - the PersistentStore
      a failure continuation