Interface ServiceMonitor

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Disposable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ServiceMonitor extends Disposable
The ServiceMonitor is a facility that keeps registered services alive. It is bound to a ConfigurableCacheFactory whilst alive and should allow for ConfigurableCacheFactorys to be changed and reflected upon restart of the monitor.
Coherence 12.1.2
cf 2011.05.24, hr 2012.06.28
  • Method Details

    • registerServices

      void registerServices(Map<Service,String> mapServices)
      Adds a set of Services to be monitored providing life support. If any of the services are not running they are started either via the configured ConfigurableCacheFactory iff provided or the provided Service.
      mapServices - a map of Services where values are non-scoped service names
    • unregisterServices

      void unregisterServices(Set<Service> setServices)
      Removes the supplied set of Services from monitoring. Note that the services are not being stopped; they are just removed from the list of Services that are being monitored.
      setServices - the set of Services to be removed from monitoring
    • stopMonitoring

      void stopMonitoring()
      Stop monitoring all registered services. Note that the services are not being stopped; they are just removed from the list of Services that are being monitored.
    • isMonitoring

      boolean isMonitoring()
      Returns true iff the ServiceMonitor is monitoring a number of services.
      returns true iff the ServiceMonitor is monitoring a number of services
    • setConfigurableCacheFactory

      void setConfigurableCacheFactory(ConfigurableCacheFactory ccf)
      Set the ConfigurableCacheFactory a ServiceMonitor can operate with. Setting the ConfigurableCacheFactory should be performed prior to registering services or requires a stopMonitoring() and registerServices(Map) call.
      ccf - the ConfigurableCacheFactory used to start the service
    • getThread

      Thread getThread()
      Return the thread used by this ServiceMonitor.