Class ActionPolicyBuilder.QuorumRule

Enclosing class:

public static class ActionPolicyBuilder.QuorumRule extends Object
Intermediate QuorumRule with enough information to report a ConfigurationException at instantiation time.
  • Field Details

    • m_xmlElement

      protected XmlElement m_xmlElement
      An optional xml configuration element to be used in ConfigurationException.
    • m_sRuleElementName

      protected String m_sRuleElementName
      A rule element name to be used to construct ConfigurationException description if it throws at instantiation time.
    • m_nRuleMask

      protected int m_nRuleMask
      Action policy rule mask.
    • m_nThreshold

      protected int m_nThreshold
      Action policy threshold which is always non-negative.
    • m_flThresholdPct

      protected float m_flThresholdPct
      Action policy threshold in percentage.
  • Constructor Details

    • QuorumRule

      public QuorumRule(String sRuleElementName, int nRuleMask, int nThreshold, XmlElement xmlElement)
      sRuleElementName - to report configuration exception context
      nRuleMask - rule mask
      nThreshold - threshold
      xmlElement - optional to report configuration exception context
    • QuorumRule

      public QuorumRule(String sRuleElementName, int nRuleMask, int nThreshold, float flThresholdPct, XmlElement xmlElement)
      sRuleElementName - to report configuration exception context
      nRuleMask - rule mask
      nThreshold - threshold
      flThresholdPct - the threshold in percentage
      xmlElement - optional to report configuration exception context
  • Method Details