Class Subscriber.Channel.EmptyChannel

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static class Subscriber.Channel.EmptyChannel extends Object implements Subscriber.Channel
A default empty channel implementation.
  • Constructor Details

    • EmptyChannel

      public EmptyChannel(int nId)
  • Method Details

    • getId

      public int getId()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Returns the identifier for this channel.
      Specified by:
      getId in interface Subscriber.Channel
      the identifier for this channel
    • getHead

      public Position getHead()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Returns the current head position for the channel.
      Specified by:
      getHead in interface Subscriber.Channel
      the current head position for the channel
    • getLastCommit

      public Position getLastCommit()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Returns the last position committed by this subscriber.
      Specified by:
      getLastCommit in interface Subscriber.Channel
      the last position committed by this subscriber
    • getCommitCount

      public long getCommitCount()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Return the number of completed commit requests.
      Specified by:
      getCommitCount in interface Subscriber.Channel
      the number of completed commit requests
    • getLastReceived

      public Position getLastReceived()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Returns the last position received by this subscriber.
      Specified by:
      getLastReceived in interface Subscriber.Channel
      the last position received by this subscriber
    • getReceiveCount

      public long getReceiveCount()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Return the number of completed receive requests.
      Specified by:
      getReceiveCount in interface Subscriber.Channel
      the number of completed receive requests
    • getPolls

      public long getPolls()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Returns the number of elements polled by this subscriber.
      Specified by:
      getPolls in interface Subscriber.Channel
      the number of elements polled by this subscriber
    • getFirstPolled

      public Position getFirstPolled()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Returns the first position polled by this subscriber.
      Specified by:
      getFirstPolled in interface Subscriber.Channel
      the first position polled by this subscriber
    • getFirstPolledTimestamp

      public long getFirstPolledTimestamp()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Returns the timestamp when the first element was polled by this subscriber.
      Specified by:
      getFirstPolledTimestamp in interface Subscriber.Channel
      the timestamp when the first element was polled by this subscriber
    • getLastPolled

      public Position getLastPolled()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Returns the last position polled by this subscriber.
      Specified by:
      getLastPolled in interface Subscriber.Channel
      the last position polled by this subscriber
    • getLastPolledTimestamp

      public long getLastPolledTimestamp()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Returns the timestamp when the last element was polled by this subscriber.
      Specified by:
      getLastPolledTimestamp in interface Subscriber.Channel
      the timestamp when the last element was polled by this subscriber
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Returns true if the channel is empty.
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface Subscriber.Channel
      true if the channel is empty
    • isOwned

      public boolean isOwned()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Returns true if the channel is owned by this subscriber.
      Specified by:
      isOwned in interface Subscriber.Channel
      true if the channel is owned by this subscriber
    • getOwnedCode

      public int getOwnedCode()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Returns a numeric representation of if the channel is owned by this subscriber where 1 represents true and 0 represents false.
      Specified by:
      getOwnedCode in interface Subscriber.Channel
      a numeric representation of if the channel is owned by this subscriber where 1 represents true and 0 represents false
    • getReceived

      public long getReceived()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Return the number of completed receive requests.
      Specified by:
      getReceived in interface Subscriber.Channel
      the number of completed receive requests
    • getReceivedMeanRate

      public double getReceivedMeanRate()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Return the mean rate of completed receive requests.
      Specified by:
      getReceivedMeanRate in interface Subscriber.Channel
      the mean rate of completed receive requests
    • getReceivedOneMinuteRate

      public double getReceivedOneMinuteRate()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Return the one-minute rate of completed receive requests.
      Specified by:
      getReceivedOneMinuteRate in interface Subscriber.Channel
      the one-minute rate of completed receive requests
    • getReceivedFiveMinuteRate

      public double getReceivedFiveMinuteRate()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Return the five-minute rate of completed receive requests.
      Specified by:
      getReceivedFiveMinuteRate in interface Subscriber.Channel
      the five-minute rate of completed receive requests
    • getReceivedFifteenMinuteRate

      public double getReceivedFifteenMinuteRate()
      Description copied from interface: Subscriber.Channel
      Return the fifteen-minute rate of completed receive requests.
      Specified by:
      getReceivedFifteenMinuteRate in interface Subscriber.Channel
      the fifteen-minute rate of completed receive requests