Class AnnotatedMapListener<K,V>

Type Parameters:
K - the type of the map entry keys
V - the type of the map entry values
All Implemented Interfaces:
MapListener<K,V>, Comparable<AnnotatedMapListener<?,?>>, EventListener

public class AnnotatedMapListener<K,V> extends Object implements MapListener<K,V>, Comparable<AnnotatedMapListener<?,?>>
MapListener implementation that dispatches MapEvents to a CDI observer.
Aleks Seovic 2020.04.14
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • entryInserted

      public void entryInserted(MapEvent<K,V> event)
      Description copied from interface: MapListener
      Invoked when a map entry has been inserted.
      Specified by:
      entryInserted in interface MapListener<K,V>
      event - the MapEvent carrying the insert information
    • entryUpdated

      public void entryUpdated(MapEvent<K,V> event)
      Description copied from interface: MapListener
      Invoked when a map entry has been updated.
      Specified by:
      entryUpdated in interface MapListener<K,V>
      event - the MapEvent carrying the update information
    • entryDeleted

      public void entryDeleted(MapEvent<K,V> event)
      Description copied from interface: MapListener
      Invoked when a map entry has been removed.
      Specified by:
      entryDeleted in interface MapListener<K,V>
      event - the MapEvent carrying the delete information
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(AnnotatedMapListener<?,?> other)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<K>
    • getSessionName

      public String getSessionName()
      Return the name of the session that this listener is for
      the name of the session this listener is for
    • hasFilterAnnotation

      public boolean hasFilterAnnotation()
      Returns true if this listener has a filter annotation to resolve.
      true if this listener has a filter annotation to resolve
    • resolveFilter

      public void resolveFilter(AnnotatedMapListener.FilterProducer producer)
      Resolve this listener's filter annotation into a Filter instance.

      If this listener's filter has already been resolved this operation is a no-op.

      producer - the AnnotatedMapListener.FilterProducer to use to resolve the Filter
    • hasTransformerAnnotation

      public boolean hasTransformerAnnotation()
      Returns true if this listener has a transformer annotation to resolve.
      true if this listener has a transformer annotation to resolve
    • resolveTransformer

      public void resolveTransformer(AnnotatedMapListener.MapEventTransformerProducer producer)
      Resolve this listener's transformer annotation into a MapEventTransformer instance.

      If this listener's transformer has already been resolved this method is a no-op

      producer - the AnnotatedMapListener.MapEventTransformerProducer to use to resolve the MapEventTransformer
    • getFilter

      public Filter<?> getFilter()
      Obtain the Filter that should be used when registering this listener.
      the Filter that should be used when registering this listener
    • getTransformer

      public MapEventTransformer getTransformer()
      Obtain the MapEventTransformer that should be used when registering this listener.
      the MapEventTransformer that should be used when registering this listener
    • getCacheName

      public String getCacheName()
      Return the name of the cache this listener is for, or '*' if it should be registered regardless of the cache name.
      the name of the cache this listener is for
    • isWildCardCacheName

      public boolean isWildCardCacheName()
      Return true if this listener is for a wild-card cache name.
      true if this listener is for a wild-card cache name
    • getServiceName

      public String getServiceName()
      Return the name of the service this listener is for, or '*' if it should be registered regardless of the service name.
      the name of the cache this listener is for
    • isWildCardServiceName

      public boolean isWildCardServiceName()
      Return true if this listener is for a wild-card cache name.
      true if this listener is for a wild-card cache name
    • getScopeName

      public String getScopeName()
      Return the name of the scope this listener is for, or null if it should be registered regardless of the scope name.
      the name of the cache this listener is for
    • isLite

      public boolean isLite()
      Return true if this is lite event listener.
      true if this is lite event listener
    • isSynchronous

      public boolean isSynchronous()
      Return true if this is synchronous event listener.
      Specified by:
      isSynchronous in interface MapListener<K,V>
      true if this is synchronous event listener
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object