Class ConverterCollections.ConverterEntry<FK,​TK,​FV,​TV>

    • Field Detail

      • m_convKeyUp

        protected final Converter<FK,​TK> m_convKeyUp
        The Converter used to view the Entry's key.
      • m_convValUp

        protected final Converter<FV,​TV> m_convValUp
        The Converter used to view the Entry's value.
      • m_convValDown

        protected final Converter<TV,​FV> m_convValDown
        The Converter used to store the Entry's value.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConverterEntry

        public ConverterEntry​(Map.Entry<FK,​FV> entry,
                              Converter<FK,​TK> convKeyUp,
                              Converter<FV,​TV> convValUp,
                              Converter<TV,​FV> convValDown)
        entry - the Entry to wrap
        convKeyUp - the Converter to view the underlying Entry's keys through
        convValUp - the Converter to view the underlying Entry's values through
        convValDown - the Converter to use to pass values down to the underlying Entry