Interface MBeanServerProxy

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface MBeanServerProxy
    MBeanServerProxy allows any cluster node that runs the Management service to obtain and set attributes or invoke methods on registered MBeans.

    Application logic can use MBeanServerProxy as follows:

       Cluster          cluster  = CacheFactory.ensureCluster();
       Registry         registry = cluster.getManagement();
       MBeanServerProxy proxy    = registry.getMBeanServerProxy();
       String           sName    = registry.ensureGlobalName(
       String sStatusHA = (String) proxy.getAttribute(sName, "HAStatus");
    Coherence 12.2.1
    bbc 2014.09.24
    • Method Detail

      • getMBeanInfo

        MBeanInfo getMBeanInfo​(String sName)
        Return the MBeanInfo for a given MBean.
        sName - the MBean name
        the MBeanInfo for the MBean or null if the MBean does not exist
      • execute

        <R> R execute​(Remote.Function<MBeanServer,​R> function)
        A function executed on the management node. The function is provided a local MBeanServer and can return any serializable result.
        Type Parameters:
        R - the return type
        function - the function to execute
        the result returned by the function
      • getAttributes

        Map<String,​Object> getAttributes​(String sName,
                                               Filter<String> filter)
        Return a Map of attribute name to attribute value for a given MBean name.

        The attributes returned must evaluate successfully against the provided Filter to be returned.

        sName - the MBean name
        filter - filter to limit the returned attributes
        a Map of attribute name to attribute value
      • getAttribute

        Object getAttribute​(String sName,
                            String sAttr)
        Obtain the value of the specified MBean attribute.
        sName - the MBean name
        sAttr - the attribute name
        the value of the retrieved attribute
      • setAttribute

        void setAttribute​(String sName,
                          String sAttr,
                          Object oValue)
        Set the value of the specified MBean attribute.
        sName - the MBean name
        sAttr - the attribute name
        oValue - the attribute value
      • invoke

        Object invoke​(String sName,
                      String sOpName,
                      Object[] aoParams,
                      String[] asSignature)
        Invoke an operation on the specified MBean.
        sName - the MBean name to invoke the method on
        sOpName - the name of the method to be invoked
        aoParams - an array containing the method parameters
        asSignature - an optional array containing the method signatures, this parameter is only necessary if there are multiple methods with the same name
        the result of invocation
      • queryNames

        Set<String> queryNames​(String sPattern,
                               Filter<ObjectName> filter)
        Get the names of MBeans controlled by the MBean server that is collocated with the cluster registry.
        sPattern - the MBean name pattern identifying MBean names to be retrieved; this pattern is the same as in the MBeanServer.queryNames method; if null, the name of all registered MBeans will be retrieved
        filter - (optional) the filter to be applied for selecting MBeans
        a set of MBean names matching the pattern and the filter
      • queryNames

        Set<String> queryNames​(ObjectName pattern,
                               Filter<ObjectName> filter)
        Get the names of MBeans controlled by the MBean server that is collocated with the cluster registry.
        pattern - the MBean name pattern identifying MBean names to be retrieved; this pattern is the same as in the MBeanServer.queryNames method; if null, the name of all registered MBeans will be retrieved
        filter - (optional) the filter to be applied for selecting MBeans
        a set of MBean names matching the pattern and the filter
      • isMBeanRegistered

        boolean isMBeanRegistered​(String sName)
        Check whether or not an MBean with the specified name is already registered.
        sName - the MBean name
        true iff the specified name is already registered
      • removeNotificationListener

        void removeNotificationListener​(String sName,
                                        NotificationListener listener,
                                        NotificationFilter filter,
                                        Object handback)
        Removes a listener from a registered MBean.

        The MBean must have a listener that exactly matches the given listener, filter, and handback parameters. If there is more than one such listener, only one is removed.

        The filter and handback parameters may be null if and only if they are null in a listener to be removed.

        sName - the name of the MBean on which the listener should be removed
        listener - the listener to be removed
        filter - the filter that was specified when the listener was added
        handback - the handback that was specified when the listener was added
        See Also:
        addNotificationListener(String, NotificationListener, NotificationFilter, Object)