Class WrapperBufferInput.VersionAwareBufferInput

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, InputStreaming, ReadBuffer.BufferInput, Closeable, DataInput, AutoCloseable
    Enclosing class:

    public static class WrapperBufferInput.VersionAwareBufferInput
    extends WrapperBufferInput
    A BufferInput implementation that in addition to delegating to the given DataInput provides an API to check whether the sender of the content of this BufferInput runs a version that supersedes (greater or equal to) the specified version.
    • Field Detail

      • f_message

        protected final f_message
        The associated message received by this recipient.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VersionAwareBufferInput

        public VersionAwareBufferInput​(DataInput in,
                                       ClassLoader loader,
        Construct a WrapperBufferInput that will read from the specified object implementing the DataInput interface.
        in - an object implementing DataInput to read from
        loader - the ClassLoader
        msg - the associated message received from the recipient
    • Method Detail

      • isVersionCompatible

        public boolean isVersionCompatible​(int nMajor,
                                           int nMinor,
                                           int nMicro,
                                           int nPatchSet,
                                           int nPatch)
        Determine whether the sender of the content of this BufferInput runs a version that supersedes (greater or equal to) the specified version.
        true iff the sender's version is greater or equal to the specified one
      • isVersionCompatible

        public boolean isVersionCompatible​(int nYear,
                                           int nMonth,
                                           int nPatch)
        Determine whether the sender of the content of this BufferInput runs a version that supersedes (greater or equal to) the specified version.
        true iff the sender's version is greater or equal to the specified one
      • isVersionCompatible

        public boolean isVersionCompatible​(int nEncodedVersion)
        Determine whether the sender of the content of this BufferInput runs a version that supersedes (greater or equal to) the specified version.
        true iff the sender's version is greater or equal to the specified one
      • isPatchCompatible

        public boolean isPatchCompatible​(int nEncodedVersion)
        Determine whether the sender of the content of this BufferInput run versions that are the same as the encode version with the same or a higher patch level.
        true iff all the sender's versions are the same version with the same or a higher patch level to the specified one