Class LocalCacheValue

  • public class LocalCacheValue
    extends Object
    Represents the internal Cache Entry Value with in an LocalCache.

    The actual value passed to the Cache is represented in an internal format, generated by passing the value through an InternalConverter.

    LocalCacheValues additionally store and provide meta information about Cache Entry Values, including information for dealing with expiry.

    Coherence 12.1.3
    bo 2013.12.19
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void accessInternalValue​(long ldtAccess, javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy policy)
      Access value
      static LocalCacheValue createLoadedLocalCacheValue​(Object internalValue, long ldtCreation, javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy policy)
      Create a LocalCacheValue marked with Synthetic marker that it was loaded.
      static LocalCacheValue createLocalCacheValue​(Object internalValue, long ldtCreation, javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy policy)
      Create a LocalCacheValue for an LocalCache entry.
      Object get()
      Gets the internal value (without updating the access time).
      long getAccessCount()
      Gets the number of times the internal value has been accessed.
      long getAccessTime()
      Gets the time (since the Epoc) in milliseconds since the internal value was last accessed.
      long getCreationTime()
      Gets the time (since the Epoc) in milliseconds since the internal value was created.
      long getExpiryTime()
      Gets the time (since the Epoc) in milliseconds when the Cache Entry associated with this value should be considered expired.
      Object getInternalValue()
      Access internal value without updating access expiry.
      Object getInternalValue​(long ldtAccess)
      Gets the internal value with the side-effect of updating the access time to that which is specified and incrementing the access count.
      long getModificationCount()
      Gets the number of times the internal value has been modified (set)
      long getModificationTime()
      Gets the time (since the Epoc) in milliseconds since the internal value was last modified.
      boolean isExpiredAt​(long ldtNow)
      Determines if the Cache Entry associated with this value would be expired at the specified time
      boolean isLoaded()
      Determine if last update to this LocalValue was a load from an external resource.
      boolean isSyntheticUpdate()
      determine if last update was considered synthetic
      void set​(Object internalValue)
      Sets the internal value (without updating the modification time)
      void setExpiryTime​(long ldtExpiry)
      Sets the time (since the Epoc) in milliseconds when the Cache Entry associated with this value should be considered expired.
      LocalCacheValue updateInternalValue​(Object internalValue, long ldtModification, javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy policy)
      Sets the internal value with the additional side-effect of updating the modification time to that which is specified and incrementing the modification count.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LocalCacheValue

        public LocalCacheValue​(LocalCacheValue oldValue)
        Copy constructor
        oldValue - the old local cache value
    • Method Detail

      • getCreationTime

        public long getCreationTime()
        Gets the time (since the Epoc) in milliseconds since the internal value was created.
        time in milliseconds (since the Epoc)
      • getAccessTime

        public long getAccessTime()
        Gets the time (since the Epoc) in milliseconds since the internal value was last accessed.
        time in milliseconds (since the Epoc)
      • getAccessCount

        public long getAccessCount()
        Gets the number of times the internal value has been accessed.
        the access count
      • getModificationTime

        public long getModificationTime()
        Gets the time (since the Epoc) in milliseconds since the internal value was last modified.
        time in milliseconds (since the Epoc)
      • getModificationCount

        public long getModificationCount()
        Gets the number of times the internal value has been modified (set)
        the modification count
      • getExpiryTime

        public long getExpiryTime()
        Gets the time (since the Epoc) in milliseconds when the Cache Entry associated with this value should be considered expired.
        time in milliseconds (since the Epoc)
      • setExpiryTime

        public void setExpiryTime​(long ldtExpiry)
        Sets the time (since the Epoc) in milliseconds when the Cache Entry associated with this value should be considered expired.
        ldtExpiry - time in milliseconds (since the Epoc)
      • isExpiredAt

        public boolean isExpiredAt​(long ldtNow)
        Determines if the Cache Entry associated with this value would be expired at the specified time
        ldtNow - time in milliseconds (since the Epoc)
        true if the value would be expired at the specified time
      • get

        public Object get()
        Gets the internal value (without updating the access time).
        the internal value
      • set

        public void set​(Object internalValue)
        Sets the internal value (without updating the modification time)
        internalValue - the new internal value
      • getInternalValue

        public Object getInternalValue​(long ldtAccess)
        Gets the internal value with the side-effect of updating the access time to that which is specified and incrementing the access count.
        ldtAccess - the time when the internal value was accessed
        the internal value
      • getInternalValue

        public Object getInternalValue()
        Access internal value without updating access expiry. Added this method for accessing value to construct a CacheEntryEvent. This access should not be considered for resetting expiry for an access. With StoreByReference configured to true, this access for CacheEntryEvent could end up modifying the LocalCachedValue in the LocalCache.
        internal value
      • updateInternalValue

        public LocalCacheValue updateInternalValue​(Object internalValue,
                                                   long ldtModification,
                                                   javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy policy)
        Sets the internal value with the additional side-effect of updating the modification time to that which is specified and incrementing the modification count.
        internalValue - the new internal value
        ldtModification - the time when the value was modified
        policy - the expiry policy
        this LocalCacheValue
      • accessInternalValue

        public void accessInternalValue​(long ldtAccess,
                                        javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy policy)
        Access value
        ldtAccess - the time when the value was accessed
        policy - the expiry policy
      • createLoadedLocalCacheValue

        public static LocalCacheValue createLoadedLocalCacheValue​(Object internalValue,
                                                                  long ldtCreation,
                                                                  javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy policy)
        Create a LocalCacheValue marked with Synthetic marker that it was loaded. This distinction is necessary to ensure that a just read-through entry from an external resource is not immediately written back to external resource via write-through.
        internalValue - internal format of value of a LocalCache entry
        ldtCreation - creation time
        policy - expiry policy to use
        a LocalCacheValue marked as loaded via read-through
      • createLocalCacheValue

        public static LocalCacheValue createLocalCacheValue​(Object internalValue,
                                                            long ldtCreation,
                                                            javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy policy)
        Create a LocalCacheValue for an LocalCache entry.
        internalValue - internal format of value
        ldtCreation - entry creation time
        policy - expiry policy to use to generate expiry for the new LocalCache entry.
        LocalCache with appropriate JCache MetaInfo.
      • isSyntheticUpdate

        public boolean isSyntheticUpdate()
        determine if last update was considered synthetic
        synthetic update state
      • isLoaded

        public boolean isLoaded()
        Determine if last update to this LocalValue was a load from an external resource.
        true iff this value has not been updated since it was last loaded.