Class SelectStatementBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • SelectStatementBuilder

        public SelectStatementBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • getSyntax

        public String getSyntax()
        Description copied from interface: StatementBuilder
        Return the syntax of the CohQL command.
        the syntax of the CohQL command
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Description copied from interface: StatementBuilder
        Return a description of the CohQL command suitable for displaying as help text.
        a description of the CohQL command suitable for displaying as help text
      • createAggregator

        protected InvocableMap.EntryAggregator createAggregator​(String cacheName,
                                                                NodeTerm fields,
                                                                String alias,
                                                                boolean fDistinct,
                                                                com.tangosol.coherence.dslquery.internal.SelectListMaker transformer)
        Create the InvocableMap.EntryAggregator that will aggregate the results of this select query.
        cacheName - the cache being queried
        fields - the fields being selected
        alias - the alias of the cache name
        fDistinct - a flag indicating whether this is a distinct query
        transformer - the transformer to use to transform the field list to extractors
        an InvocableMap.EntryAggregator to use to aggregate the query results.
      • createSelectListMaker

        protected com.tangosol.coherence.dslquery.internal.SelectListMaker createSelectListMaker​(List listBindVars,
                                                                                                 ParameterResolver namedBindVars,
                                                                                                 CoherenceQueryLanguage language)
        Create an instance of a SelectListMaker.
        listBindVars - the indexed bind variables that the SelectListMaker should use
        namedBindVars - the named bind variables that the SelectListMaker should use
        language - the CohQL language instance that the SelectListMaker should use
        a SelectListMaker
      • isSelectStarQuery

        protected boolean isSelectStarQuery​(String sAlias,
                                            NodeTerm termFields)
        Return true if this query is of the form "SELECT * FROM cache-name".
        sAlias - the alias for the cache name
        termFields - the field list for the query
        true if this is a "SELECT * FROM cache-name" query