Class InOperator

  • public class InOperator
    extends BaseOperator<Filter>
    A class representing the "in"operator.

    This operator creates instances of InFilter or InKeySetFilter depending on the left hand argument passed to the realize method.

    Coherence 12.2.1
    jk 2013.12.03
    • Field Detail

      • INSTANCE

        public static final InOperator INSTANCE
        An instance of the InOperator.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InOperator

        protected InOperator()
        Construct a InOperator.
    • Method Detail

      • makeFilter

        public Filter makeFilter​(Object oLeft,
                                 Object oRight)
        Description copied from class: BaseOperator
        Create a Filter for this BaseOperator using the specified left and right values.

        Note: This method should be thread safe as operators are stored in a static map so may be called by multiple threads.

        makeFilter in class BaseOperator<Filter>
        oLeft - the left value to use to build a Filter
        oRight - the right value to use to build a Filter
        a Filter representing this operation
      • addToTokenTable

        public void addToTokenTable​(TokenTable tokenTable)
        Description copied from class: BaseOperator
        Add this operator to the given TokenTable. This typically means adding this operator using its symbol and also adding any aliases.
        Specified by:
        addToTokenTable in class BaseOperator<Filter>
        tokenTable - the TokenTable to add this operator to