Class AndOperator

  • public class AndOperator
    extends BaseOperator<AllFilter>
    An operator representing a logical AND (&&).
    Coherence 12.2.1
    jk 2013.12.03
    • Field Detail

      • INSTANCE

        public static final AndOperator INSTANCE
        An instance of the AndOperator.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AndOperator

        protected AndOperator()
        Constructs an AndOperator.
    • Method Detail

      • makeFilter

        public AllFilter makeFilter​(Object oLeft,
                                    Object oRight)
        Description copied from class: BaseOperator
        Create a Filter for this BaseOperator using the specified left and right values.

        Note: This method should be thread safe as operators are stored in a static map so may be called by multiple threads.

        makeFilter in class BaseOperator<AllFilter>
        oLeft - the left value to use to build a Filter
        oRight - the right value to use to build a Filter
        a Filter representing this operation
      • addToTokenTable

        public void addToTokenTable​(TokenTable tokenTable)
        Description copied from class: BaseOperator
        Add this operator to the given TokenTable. This typically means adding this operator using its symbol and also adding any aliases.
        Specified by:
        addToTokenTable in class BaseOperator<AllFilter>
        tokenTable - the TokenTable to add this operator to
      • populateFilterArray

        protected void populateFilterArray​(Filter[] aFilterDest,
                                           Filter... aFilterSrc)
        Populate the specified target Filter array with the Filters in the source array. If the any of the Filters in the source array is an AllFilter then rather than adding the AllFilter itself to the target array all of the filters contained within the AllFilter are added to the array.
        aFilterDest - the Filter array to be populated
        aFilterSrc - the outer filter to add to the array