Class AbstractRepositoryBase<ID,​T,​M>

  • Type Parameters:
    ID - the type of entity's identifier
    T - the type of entity stored in this repository
    M - the underlying map type
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    AbstractAsyncRepository, AbstractRepository

    public abstract class AbstractRepositoryBase<ID,​T,​M>
    extends Object
    Base functionality for all Coherence repository implementations.
    Ryan Lubke 2021.04.08, Aleks Seovic
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractRepositoryBase

        public AbstractRepositoryBase()
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        protected abstract ID getId​(T entity)
        Return the identifier of the specified entity instance.
        entity - the entity to get the identifier from
        the identifier of the specified entity instance
      • getEntityType

        protected abstract Class<? extends T> getEntityType()
        Return the type of entities in this repository.
        the type of entities in this repository
      • getMap

        protected abstract M getMap()
        Return the map that is used as the underlying entity store.
        the map that is used as the underlying entity store
      • ensureInitialized

        protected void ensureInitialized()
        Ensures that this repository is initialized by creating necessary indices on the backing map.

        Base framework classes that extend this class should call this method after the backing map has been initialized, but before any other calls are made.

      • createIndices

        protected void createIndices()
        Creates indices for this repository that are defined via @Accelerated and @Indexed annotations.

        If overriding this method, please call super.createIndices() or the standard behavior will not work.

      • addListener

        public void addListener​(AbstractRepositoryBase.Listener<? super T> listener)
        Register a listener that will observe all repository events.
        listener - the event listener to register
      • removeListener

        public void removeListener​(AbstractRepositoryBase.Listener<? super T> listener)
        Unregister a listener that observes all repository events.
        listener - the event listener to unregister
      • addListener

        public void addListener​(ID id,
                                AbstractRepositoryBase.Listener<? super T> listener)
        Register a listener that will observe all events for a specific entity.
        id - the identifier of the entity to observe
        listener - the event listener to register
      • removeListener

        public void removeListener​(ID id,
                                   AbstractRepositoryBase.Listener<? super T> listener)
        Unregister a listener that observes all events for a specific entity.
        id - the identifier of the entity to observe
        listener - the event listener to unregister
      • addListener

        public void addListener​(Filter<?> filter,
                                AbstractRepositoryBase.Listener<? super T> listener)
        Register a listener that will observe all events for entities that satisfy the specified criteria.
        filter - the criteria to use to select entities to observe
        listener - the event listener to register
      • removeListener

        public void removeListener​(Filter<?> filter,
                                   AbstractRepositoryBase.Listener<? super T> listener)
        Unregister a listener that observes all events for entities that satisfy the specified criteria.
        filter - the criteria to use to select entities to observe
        listener - the event listener to unregister