Class ResponseHandlers

  • public class ResponseHandlers
    extends Object
    Helper methods to handle gRPC async responses.
    Jonathan Knight 2023.02.02
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static Void VOID
      A Void value to make it obvious the return value in Void methods.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static <Resp> Void handleError​(Throwable err, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Resp> observer)
      A handler method that will call StreamObserver.onError(Throwable) if the error parameter is not null.
      static <Resp> Resp handleError​(Resp response, Throwable err)
      A handler method that will return the response if there is no error or if there is an error then ensure that it is a StatusRuntimeException.
      static <Resp> Void handleErrorOrComplete​(Throwable err, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Resp> observer)
      A handler method that will call StreamObserver.onError(Throwable) if the error parameter is not null otherwise calls StreamObserver.onCompleted().
      static Void handleMapOfEntries​(RequestHolder<?,​Map<Binary,​Binary>> holder, Throwable err, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<> observer)
      Handle the result of the asynchronous invoke all request sending the results, or any errors to the StreamObserver.
      static Void handleMapOfEntries​(RequestHolder<?,​Map<Binary,​Binary>> holder, Throwable err, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<> observer, boolean fDeserialize)
      Handle the result of the asynchronous invoke all request sending the results, or any errors to the StreamObserver.
      static Void handleSetOfEntries​(RequestHolder<?,​Set<Map.Entry<Binary,​Binary>>> holder, Throwable err, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<> observer)
      Handle the result of the asynchronous entry set request sending the results, or any errors to the StreamObserver.
      static Void handleSetOfEntries​(RequestHolder<?,​Set<Map.Entry<Binary,​Binary>>> holder, Throwable err, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<> observer, boolean fDeserialize)
      Handle the result of the asynchronous entry set request sending the results, or any errors to the StreamObserver.
      static Void handleStream​(RequestHolder<?,​? extends Iterable<Binary>> holder, Throwable err, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<> observer)
      Send an Iterable of Binary instances to a StreamObserver, converting the Binary instances to a BytesValue.
      static <Resp> Void handleStream​(Iterable<Resp> iterable, Throwable err, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Resp> observer)
      A handler method that streams results from an Iterable to a StreamObserver and completes the StreamObserver, or if an error is provided calls StreamObserver.onError(Throwable).
      static <Resp> Void handleStream​(Stream<Resp> stream, Throwable err, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Resp> observer)
      A handler method that streams results to a StreamObserver and completes the StreamObserver or if an error is provided calls StreamObserver.onError(Throwable).
      static void handleStreamOfEntries​(RequestHolder<?,​?> holder, Stream<Map.Entry<Binary,​Binary>> entries, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<> observer)
      Handle the result of the asynchronous invoke all request sending the results, or any errors to the StreamObserver.
      static void handleStreamOfEntries​(RequestHolder<?,​?> holder, Stream<Map.Entry<Binary,​Binary>> entries, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<> observer, boolean fDeserialize)
      Handle the result of the asynchronous invoke all request sending the results, or any errors to the StreamObserver.
      static <R> Void handleUnary​(R result, Throwable err, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<R> observer)
      Handle an unary request.
      static toInt32Value​(Object o)
      Convert a value to an Int32Value.
    • Field Detail

      • VOID

        public static final Void VOID
        A Void value to make it obvious the return value in Void methods.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ResponseHandlers

        public ResponseHandlers()
    • Method Detail

      • handleUnary

        public static <R> Void handleUnary​(R result,
                                           Throwable err,
                                           io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<R> observer)
        Handle an unary request.
        Type Parameters:
        R - the type of the result
        result - the result
        err - any error that may have occurred
        observer - the StreamObserver to send the result to
        always returns Void
      • handleMapOfEntries

        public static Void handleMapOfEntries​(RequestHolder<?,​Map<Binary,​Binary>> holder,
                                              Throwable err,
                                              io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<> observer)
        Handle the result of the asynchronous invoke all request sending the results, or any errors to the StreamObserver.
        holder - the RequestHolder containing the request
        err - any error that occurred during execution of the get all request
        observer - the StreamObserver to receive the results
        always return Void
      • handleMapOfEntries

        public static Void handleMapOfEntries​(RequestHolder<?,​Map<Binary,​Binary>> holder,
                                              Throwable err,
                                              io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<> observer,
                                              boolean fDeserialize)
        Handle the result of the asynchronous invoke all request sending the results, or any errors to the StreamObserver.
        holder - the RequestHolder containing the request
        err - any error that occurred during execution of the get all request
        observer - the StreamObserver to receive the results
        fDeserialize - a flag indicating whether the Binary values should be deserialized
        always return Void
      • handleSetOfEntries

        public static Void handleSetOfEntries​(RequestHolder<?,​Set<Map.Entry<Binary,​Binary>>> holder,
                                              Throwable err,
                                              io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<> observer)
        Handle the result of the asynchronous entry set request sending the results, or any errors to the StreamObserver.
        holder - the RequestHolder containing the request
        err - any error that occurred during execution of the get all request
        observer - the StreamObserver to receive the results
        fDeserialize - a flag indicating whether the Binary values should be deserialized
        always return Void
      • handleSetOfEntries

        public static Void handleSetOfEntries​(RequestHolder<?,​Set<Map.Entry<Binary,​Binary>>> holder,
                                              Throwable err,
                                              io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<> observer,
                                              boolean fDeserialize)
        Handle the result of the asynchronous entry set request sending the results, or any errors to the StreamObserver.
        holder - the RequestHolder containing the request
        err - any error that occurred during execution of the get all request
        observer - the StreamObserver to receive the results
        fDeserialize - a flag indicating whether the Binary values should be deserialized
        always return Void
      • handleStreamOfEntries

        public static void handleStreamOfEntries​(RequestHolder<?,​?> holder,
                                                 Stream<Map.Entry<Binary,​Binary>> entries,
                                                 io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<> observer)
        Handle the result of the asynchronous invoke all request sending the results, or any errors to the StreamObserver.
        holder - the RequestHolder containing the request
        entries - a Stream of entries
        observer - the StreamObserver to receive the results
      • handleStreamOfEntries

        public static void handleStreamOfEntries​(RequestHolder<?,​?> holder,
                                                 Stream<Map.Entry<Binary,​Binary>> entries,
                                                 io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<> observer,
                                                 boolean fDeserialize)
        Handle the result of the asynchronous invoke all request sending the results, or any errors to the StreamObserver.
        holder - the RequestHolder containing the request
        entries - a Stream of entries
        observer - the StreamObserver to receive the results
        fDeserialize - a flag indicating whether the Binary values should be deserialized
      • handleStream

        public static Void handleStream​(RequestHolder<?,​? extends Iterable<Binary>> holder,
                                        Throwable err,
                                        io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<> observer)
        Send an Iterable of Binary instances to a StreamObserver, converting the Binary instances to a BytesValue.
        holder - the RequestHolder containing the request and Iterable or Binary instances to stream
        err - the error the pass to StreamObserver.onError(Throwable)
        observer - the StreamObserver to receive the results
        always return Void
      • handleStream

        public static <Resp> Void handleStream​(Iterable<Resp> iterable,
                                               Throwable err,
                                               io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Resp> observer)
        A handler method that streams results from an Iterable to a StreamObserver and completes the StreamObserver, or if an error is provided calls StreamObserver.onError(Throwable).

        Note: this method will complete by calling either StreamObserver.onCompleted() or StreamObserver.onError(Throwable).

        Type Parameters:
        Resp - the type of the element to stream to the StreamObserver
        iterable - the elements to stream to the StreamObserver
        err - the error the pass to StreamObserver.onError(Throwable)
        observer - the StreamObserver
        always returns Void
      • handleStream

        public static <Resp> Void handleStream​(Stream<Resp> stream,
                                               Throwable err,
                                               io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Resp> observer)
        A handler method that streams results to a StreamObserver and completes the StreamObserver or if an error is provided calls StreamObserver.onError(Throwable).

        Note: this method will complete by calling either StreamObserver.onCompleted() or StreamObserver.onError(Throwable).

        Type Parameters:
        Resp - the type of the element to stream to the StreamObserver
        stream - the elements to stream to the StreamObserver
        err - the error the pass to StreamObserver.onError(Throwable)
        observer - the StreamObserver
        always returns Void
      • handleError

        public static <Resp> Void handleError​(Throwable err,
                                              io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Resp> observer)
        A handler method that will call StreamObserver.onError(Throwable) if the error parameter is not null.

        NOTE: this method will not complete the StreamObserver if there is no error.

        Type Parameters:
        Resp - the type of the element to stream to the StreamObserver
        err - the error the pass to StreamObserver.onError(Throwable)
        observer - the StreamObserver
        always returns Void
      • handleErrorOrComplete

        public static <Resp> Void handleErrorOrComplete​(Throwable err,
                                                        io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Resp> observer)
        A handler method that will call StreamObserver.onError(Throwable) if the error parameter is not null otherwise calls StreamObserver.onCompleted().

        NOTE: this method will not complete the StreamObserver if there is no error.

        Type Parameters:
        Resp - the type of the element to stream to the StreamObserver
        err - the error the pass to StreamObserver.onError(Throwable)
        observer - the StreamObserver
        always returns Void
      • handleError

        public static <Resp> Resp handleError​(Resp response,
                                              Throwable err)
        A handler method that will return the response if there is no error or if there is an error then ensure that it is a StatusRuntimeException.
        Type Parameters:
        Resp - the type of the response
        response - the response to return if there is no error
        err - the error to check
        always returns the passed in response
      • toInt32Value

        public static toInt32Value​(Object o)
        Convert a value to an Int32Value.
        o - the value to convert
        the value of o as an Int32Value id o is a Number, otherwise Int32Value.getDefaultInstance()