Class RequestHolder<Req,​Res>

  • Type Parameters:
    Req - the type of the request
    Res - the result type
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class RequestHolder<Req,​Res>
    extends Object
    A class that holds a gRPC request and Binary converters.
    Jonathan Knight 2023.02.03
    • Field Detail

      • f_request

        protected final Req f_request
        The request.
      • f_sFormat

        protected final String f_sFormat
        The name of the serializer used to serialize the request payloads.
      • f_executor

        protected final Executor f_executor
        The Executor to use to hand off asynchronous tasks.
      • f_service

        protected final Service f_service
        The Service managing the resource.
      • m_converterDown

        protected Converter<Binary,​Binary> m_converterDown
        The converter used to convert between a Binary serialized in the request format to a Binary serialized in the cache format.
      • m_converterUp

        protected Converter<Binary,​Binary> m_converterUp
        The converter used to convert between a Binary serialized in the cache format to a Binary serialized in the request format.
      • m_result

        protected Object m_result
        A result value.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RequestHolder

        public RequestHolder​(Req request,
                             String sFormat,
                             Serializer serializer,
                             Service service,
                             Executor executor)
        Create a RequestHolder.
        request - the cache request
        sFormat - the name of the serializer used to serialize the request payloads
        serializer - the Serializer used by the request
        executor - the executor for asynchronous processing
    • Method Detail

      • getRequest

        public Req getRequest()
        Obtain the cache request.
        the cache request
      • getResult

        public Res getResult()
        Obtain the holder's result value.
        the holder's result value
      • getDeserializedResult

        public <T> T getDeserializedResult()
        Obtain the holder's deserialized result value, assuming that the result value is a serialized Binary.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the deserialized type
        the holder's deserialized result value
      • fromBinary

        public <T> T fromBinary​(Binary binary)
        Obtain the value deserialized from the specified Binary using the cache's serializer.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the deserialized type
        binary - the Binary of the serialized object
        the deserialized value
      • deserialize

        public <T> T deserialize​(Binary binary)
        Obtain the deserialized Binary value using the cache's serializer.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the deserialized type
        binary - the Binary of the serialized object
        the deserialized Binary value using the cache's serializer
      • deserializeRequest

        public <T> T deserializeRequest​( bytes)
        Obtain the deserialized ByteString value using the request's serializer.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the deserialized type
        bytes - the ByteString of the serialized object
        the deserialized ByteString value using the request's serializer
      • setResult

        public <T> RequestHolder<Req,​T> setResult​(T t)
        Set the holder's result value.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the result value
        t - the result value
        this RequestHolder cast to the new result type
      • convertUp

        public Binary convertUp​(Binary binary)
        Convert a Binary in the cache's serialization format to a Binary in the request's serialization format.
        binary - the Binary to convert
        a Binary in the request's serialization format
      • convertDown

        public Binary convertDown​(Supplier<> supplier)
        Convert the ByteString data serialized in the request format to a Binary serialized in the cache's serialization format.
        supplier - the supplier of the ByteString to convert
        a Binary in the cache's serialization format
      • convertDown

        public Binary convertDown​( bytes)
        Convert the ByteString data serialized in the request format to a Binary serialized in the cache's serialization format.
        bytes - the ByteString to convert
        a Binary in the cache's serialization format
      • convertDown

        public Binary convertDown​(Binary binary)
        Convert the Binary data serialized in the request format to a Binary serialized in the cache's serialization format.
        binary - the Binary to convert
        a Binary in the cache's serialization format
      • deserializeToBytesValue

        public deserializeToBytesValue​(Binary binary)
        Convert the Binary serialized in the cache's serialization format to a BytesValue serialized in the request's serialization format.

        The assumption is that the Binary deserializes to another Binary.

        binary - the Binary to convert
        a BytesValue in the request's serialization format
      • toBytesValue

        public toBytesValue​(Binary binary)
        Convert the Binary serialized in the cache's serialization format to a BytesValue serialized in the request's serialization format.
        binary - the Binary to convert
        a BytesValue in the request's serialization format
      • toByteString

        public toByteString​(Binary binary)
        Convert the Binary serialized in the cache's serialization format to a ByteString serialized in the request's serialization format.
        binary - the Binary to convert
        a ByteString in the request's serialization format
      • toEntry

        public toEntry​(Binary binKey,
                                                       Binary binValue)
        Convert a Map.Entry of Binary key and value serialized in the cache's serialization format into an Entry with a key and value serialized in the request's serialization format.
        binKey - the Binary key
        binValue - the Binary value
        a Entry in the request's serialization format
      • toEntryResult

        public toEntryResult​(Map.Entry<Binary,​Binary> entry)
        Convert a Map.Entry of Binary key and value serialized in the cache's serialization format into an EntryResult with a key and value serialized in the request's serialization format.
        entry - the Binary to convert
        a EntryResult in the request's serialization format
      • toOptionalValue

        public toOptionalValue​(Binary binary)
        Convert a Binary serialized with the cache's serializer to an OptionalValue containing an optional Binary serialized with the request's serializer.
        binary - the optional Binary value
        a OptionalValue in the request's serialization format
      • ensureConverterDown

        public Converter<Binary,​Binary> ensureConverterDown()
        Obtain the Converter used to convert between the request format and the cache format; creating the Converter if required.
        the Converter used to convert between the request format and the cache format
      • createConverterDown

        protected abstract Converter<Object,​Binary> createConverterDown()
        Create the Converter to use to convert from Object form to internal Binary form.
        the Converter to use to convert from Object form to internal Binary form
      • getCacheFormat

        public static String getCacheFormat​(Service service)
        Returns the serializer format name for the specified Service's serializer.
        service - the Service to obtain the serializer format from
        the serializer format name for the specified Service's serializer.
      • ensureConverterUp

        public Converter<Binary,​Binary> ensureConverterUp()
        Obtain the Converter used to convert between the cache format and the request format; creating the Converter if required.
        the Converter used to convert between the cache format and the request format