Interface Hasher<V>

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    IdentityHasher, NaturalHasher

    public interface Hasher<V>
    A Hasher provides an external means for producing hash codes and comparing objects for equality.
    mf 2011.01.07
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean equals​(V va, V vb)
      Compare two objects for equality.
      int hashCode​(V v)
      Return a hash for the specified object.
      static int mod​(int n, int m)
      Calculate a modulo of two integer numbers.
      static long mod​(long n, long m)
      Calculate a modulo of two long numbers.
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        int hashCode​(V v)
        Return a hash for the specified object.
        v - the object to hash
        the hash
      • equals

        boolean equals​(V va,
                       V vb)
        Compare two objects for equality.
        va - the first object to compare
        vb - the second object to compare
        true iff the object are equal
      • mod

        static int mod​(int n,
                       int m)
        Calculate a modulo of two integer numbers. For a positive dividend the result is the same as the Java remainder operation (n % m). For a negative dividend the result is still positive and equals to (n % m + m).
        n - the dividend
        m - the divisor (must be positive)
        the modulo
      • mod

        static long mod​(long n,
                        long m)
        Calculate a modulo of two long numbers. For a positive dividend the result is the same as the Java remainder operation (n % m). For a negative dividend the result is still positive and equals to (n % m + m).
        n - the dividend
        m - the divisor (must be positive)
        the modulo