Class AsynchronousProcessor<K,​V,​R>

    • Field Detail

      • m_eReason

        protected volatile Throwable m_eReason
        Reason for the failed operation.
      • m_listResultEntries

        protected List<Map.Entry<K,​R>> m_listResultEntries
        List of result value entries. The reason we keep the result entries as a List rather than a Set or a Map is to skip unnecessary "equals" checks and defer potentially unneeded deserialization.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AsynchronousProcessor

        public AsynchronousProcessor​(InvocableMap.EntryProcessor<K,​V,​R> processor,
                                     int iUnitOrderId)
        Construct an AsynchronousProcessor for a given processor.
        processor - the underlying InvocableMap.EntryProcessor
        iUnitOrderId - the unit-of-order id for this processor
      • AsynchronousProcessor

        public AsynchronousProcessor​(InvocableMap.EntryProcessor<K,​V,​R> processor,
                                     int iUnitOrderId,
                                     Executor executor)
        Construct an AsynchronousProcessor for a given processor.
        processor - the underlying InvocableMap.EntryProcessor
        iUnitOrderId - the unit-of-order id for this processor
        executor - an optional Executor to complete the future on, if not provided the Daemons.commonPool() is used