Class AbstractBigDecimalAggregator<T>

    • Field Detail

      • m_count

        protected transient int m_count
        The count of processed entries.
      • m_decResult

        protected transient BigDecimal m_decResult
        The running result value.
      • m_scale

        protected Integer m_scale
        The scale used for the aggregated calculation. Is null by default, in which case the defaults of the underlying BigDecimal are being used.
      • m_mathContext

        protected MathContext m_mathContext
        The MathContext to provide the precision. Is null by default, in which case the defaults of the underlying BigDecimal are being used.
      • m_roundingMode

        protected RoundingMode m_roundingMode
        The RoundingMode used for the aggregated calculation. Is null by default, in which case the defaults of the underlying BigDecimal are being used.
      • m_fStripTrailingZeros

        protected boolean m_fStripTrailingZeros
        Shall trailing zeros be removed from the aggregation result? Defaults to false.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractBigDecimalAggregator

        public AbstractBigDecimalAggregator()
        Default constructor (necessary for the ExternalizableLite interface).
      • AbstractBigDecimalAggregator

        public AbstractBigDecimalAggregator​(ValueExtractor<? super T,​? extends Number> extractor)
        Construct an AbstractBigDecimalAggregator object.
        extractor - the extractor that provides a value in the form of any Java object that is a Number
      • AbstractBigDecimalAggregator

        public AbstractBigDecimalAggregator​(String sMethod)
        Construct an AbstractBigDecimalAggregator object.
        sMethod - the name of the method that returns a value in the form of any Java object that is a Number
    • Method Detail

      • init

        protected void init​(boolean fFinal)
        Initialize the aggregation result.
        Specified by:
        init in class AbstractAggregator<Object,​Object,​T,​Number,​BigDecimal>
        fFinal - true is passed if the aggregation process that is being initialized must produce a final aggregation result; this will only be false if a parallel approach is being used and the initial (partial) aggregation process is being initialized
      • finalizeResult

        protected Object finalizeResult​(boolean fFinal)
        Obtain the result of the aggregation.

        If the fFinal parameter is true, the returned object must be the final result of the aggregation; otherwise, the returned object will be treated as a partial result that should be incorporated into the final result.

        Specified by:
        finalizeResult in class AbstractAggregator<Object,​Object,​T,​Number,​BigDecimal>
        fFinal - true to indicate that the final result of the aggregation process should be returned; this will only be false if a parallel approach is being used
        the result of the aggregation process
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Description copied from class: AbstractAggregator
        Compares this object with another object for equality.
        equals in class AbstractAggregator<Object,​Object,​T,​Number,​BigDecimal>
        o - an object reference or null
        true iff the passed object reference is of the same class and has the same state as this object
      • ensureBigDecimal

        public static BigDecimal ensureBigDecimal​(Number num)
        Ensure the specified Number is a BigDecimal value or convert it into a new BigDecimal object.
        num - a Number object
        a BigDecimal object that is equal to the passed in Number
      • getScale

        public Integer getScale()
        Returns the specified scale. Can be null.
        the scale to return. Can be null.
      • setScale

        public void setScale​(Integer scale)
        Specifies the scale to be applied to the aggregated result. Typically, scale is set together with setRoundingMode(RoundingMode). However, if the specified scaling operation would require rounding then a ArithmeticException will be thrown. If setMathContext(MathContext) is specified and the operation supports the MathContext then the setScale(Integer) property is ignored.
        scale - the scale to set.
      • getMathContext

        public MathContext getMathContext()
        Returns the specified MathContext or null.
        the MathContext. Can be null.
      • setMathContext

        public void setMathContext​(MathContext mathContext)
        Sets the MathContext (allowing you to work with precision instead of scale). If a BigDecimal operation supports both MathContext or scale and both properties are specified, then the MathContext is used and the scale is ignored.
        mathContext - the MathContext to set.
      • getRoundingMode

        public RoundingMode getRoundingMode()
        Returns the RoundingMode that is applied to aggregation results.
        The RoundingMode. Can be null.
      • setRoundingMode

        public void setRoundingMode​(RoundingMode roundingMode)
        Sets the RoundingMode for the results, e.g. if scale is applied to the aggregation result.
        roundingMode - the RoundingMode to set. Can be null.
      • isStripTrailingZeros

        public boolean isStripTrailingZeros()
        Shall trailing zeros be removed from the aggregation result?
        true if trailing zeros are removed.
      • setStripTrailingZeros

        public void setStripTrailingZeros​(boolean fStripTrailingZeros)
        Allows you to set the property to true to remove trailing zeros from the aggregation result.
        fStripTrailingZeros - Defaults to false if not set.