Interface ValueUpdater<T,​U>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void update​(T target, U value)
      Update the state of the passed target object using the passed value.
    • Method Detail

      • update

        void update​(T target,
                    U value)
        Update the state of the passed target object using the passed value. For intrinsic types, the specified value is expected to be a standard wrapper type in the same manner that reflection works; for example, an int value would be passed as a java.lang.Integer.
        target - the Object to update the state of
        value - the new value to update the state with
        ClassCastException - if this ValueUpdater is incompatible with the passed target object or the value and the implementation requires the passed object or the value to be of a certain type
        WrapperException - if this ValueUpdater encounters a checked exception in the course of updating the target object
        IllegalArgumentException - if this ValueUpdater cannot handle the passed target object or value for any other reason; an implementor should include a descriptive message