Class ReadHeavyLongArray<V>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    LongArray<V>, Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable<V>

    public class ReadHeavyLongArray<V>
    extends AbstractSafeLongArray<V>
    A thread-safe LongArray implementation for read heavy workloads but which is also efficient with frequent and/or bursty writes.

    This implementation provides thread-safety via a combination of locking and copy-on-write. Unlike the CopyOnWriteLongArray it will in general allow for many mutations within a single copy. When the read to write ratio is high enough (think thousands of reads per write) the read locks will be elided allowing for maximum performance.

    For workloads with a read to write ratio close to 1:1 or where writes are more common then reads the SafeLongArray may be more appropriate.

    mf 2014.10.02
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • f_lockWrite

        protected final<LongArray<V>> f_lockWrite
        The write lock, delegating to the one in the super class.
      • f_lockReadRaw

        protected final Lock f_lockReadRaw
        The raw read lock.
      • m_lockRead

        protected volatile<LongArray<V>> m_lockRead
        The mutable read lock.
      • m_cReads

        protected long m_cReads
        The (dirty) total number of reads.
      • m_cReadTrigger

        protected long m_cReadTrigger
        The read count at which to trigger a switch to a lock-free delegate.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReadHeavyLongArray

        public ReadHeavyLongArray()
        Construct a ReadHeavyLongArray.
      • ReadHeavyLongArray

        public ReadHeavyLongArray​(LongArray<V> delegate)
        Construct a ReadHeavyLongArray around the specified delegate.
        delegate - the delegate long array, it is not safe to externally access this array