Class NullImplementation.NullCacheStore

    • Constructor Detail

      • NullCacheStore

        public NullCacheStore()
    • Method Detail

      • load

        public Object load​(Object oKey)
        Return the value associated with the specified key, or null if the key does not have an associated value in the underlying store.
        Specified by:
        load in interface CacheLoader
        oKey - key whose associated value is to be returned
        the value associated with the specified key, or null if no value is available for that key
      • loadAll

        public Map loadAll​(Collection colKeys)
        Return the values associated with each the specified keys in the passed collection. If a key does not have an associated value in the underlying store, then the return map will not have an entry for that key.

        The default implementation of this method calls CacheLoader.load(K) for each key in the supplied Collection. Implementations that can optimize multi-key operations should override this default implementation.

        Specified by:
        loadAll in interface CacheLoader
        colKeys - a collection of keys to load
        a Map of keys to associated values for the specified keys
      • store

        public void store​(Object oKey,
                          Object oValue)
        Store the specified value under the specified key in the underlying store. This method is intended to support both key/value creation and value update for a specific key.
        Specified by:
        store in interface CacheStore
        oKey - key to store the value under
        oValue - value to be stored
      • storeAll

        public void storeAll​(Map mapEntries)
        Store the specified values under the specified keys in the underlying store. This method is intended to support both key/value creation and value update for the specified keys.

        If this operation fails (by throwing an exception) after a partial success, the convention is that entries which have been stored successfully are to be removed from the specified mapEntries, indicating that the store operation for the entries left in the map has failed or has not been attempted.

        The default implementation of this method calls, V) for each entry in the supplied Map. Once stored successfully, an entry is removed from the Map (if possible). Implementations that can optimize multi-entry operations should override this default implementation.

        Specified by:
        storeAll in interface CacheStore
        mapEntries - a Map of any number of keys and values to store
      • erase

        public void erase​(Object oKey)
        Remove the specified key from the underlying store if present.
        Specified by:
        erase in interface CacheStore
        oKey - key whose mapping is being removed from the cache
      • eraseAll

        public void eraseAll​(Collection colKeys)
        Remove the specified keys from the underlying store if present.

        If this operation fails (by throwing an exception) after a partial success, the convention is that keys which have been erased successfully are to be removed from the specified colKeys, indicating that the erase operation for the keys left in the collection has failed or has not been attempted.

        The default implementation of this method calls CacheStore.erase(K) for each key in the supplied Collection. Once erased successfully, the key is removed from the Collection (if possible). Implementations that can optimize multi-key operations should override this default implementation.

        Specified by:
        eraseAll in interface CacheStore
        colKeys - keys whose mappings are being removed from the cache