Class NullImplementation.NullBackingMapManagerContext

    • Method Detail

      • setClassLoader

        public void setClassLoader​(ClassLoader loader)
        Assign the ClassLoader this context is associated with.
        Specified by:
        setClassLoader in interface BackingMapManagerContext
        loader - the ClassLoader associated with this context
      • getKeyToInternalConverter

        public Converter getKeyToInternalConverter()
        Return a converter that allows the manager (or a backing map managed thereby) to convert a key object into its internal form as managed by the CacheService.
        Specified by:
        getKeyToInternalConverter in interface BackingMapManagerContext
        the object-to-internal converter
      • getKeyFromInternalConverter

        public Converter getKeyFromInternalConverter()
        Return a converter that allows the manager (or a backing map managed thereby) to convert a key object from its internal form (as managed by the CacheService) into its "normal" (Object) form. If a ClassLoader is available, it will be used if deserialization is involved in the conversion.
        Specified by:
        getKeyFromInternalConverter in interface BackingMapManagerContext
        the internal-to-object converter
      • getValueToInternalConverter

        public Converter getValueToInternalConverter()
        Return a converter that allows the manager (or a backing map managed thereby) to convert a value object into its internal form as managed by the CacheService.
        Specified by:
        getValueToInternalConverter in interface BackingMapManagerContext
        the object-to-internal converter
      • getValueFromInternalConverter

        public Converter getValueFromInternalConverter()
        Return a converter that allows the manager (or a backing map managed thereby) to convert a value object from its internal form (as managed by the CacheService) into its "normal" (Object) form. If a ClassLoader is available, it will be used if deserialization is involved in the conversion.
        Specified by:
        getValueFromInternalConverter in interface BackingMapManagerContext
        the internal-to-object converter
      • isKeyOwned

        public boolean isKeyOwned​(Object oKey)
        Determines whether or not the specified key (in the internal format) is managed (i.e. controlled) by this service member. In other words, is the specified key under the management of the backing map whose manager this context represents. The key does not have to actually exist for this method to evaluate it; the answer is not backing map- specific.
        Specified by:
        isKeyOwned in interface BackingMapManagerContext
        oKey - the resource key in the internal format
        true iff the key is managed by this service member
      • getKeyPartition

        public int getKeyPartition​(Object oKey)
        Determine the partition to which the specified key belongs.
        Specified by:
        getKeyPartition in interface BackingMapManagerContext
        oKey - a key in its internal format
        the partition ID that the specified key is assigned to
      • getPartitionKeys

        public Set getPartitionKeys​(String sCacheName,
                                    int nPartition)
        Obtain a collection of keys in the internal format that belong to the specified partition for the specified backing map. The returned Set must be used in a read-only manner.
        Specified by:
        getPartitionKeys in interface BackingMapManagerContext
        sCacheName - the cache name for the backing map to retrieve the set of keys for
        nPartition - the partition ID
        the Set of keys in the internal format; could be null if the backing map does not exists or the specified partition is not owned by this node
      • getBackingMap

        public Map getBackingMap​(String sCacheName)
        Obtain a reference to the backing map that corresponds to the specified cache name. The returned Map must be used in a read-only manner.
        Specified by:
        getBackingMap in interface BackingMapManagerContext
        sCacheName - the cache name
        the backing map reference; null if the backing map does not exist
      • addInternalValueDecoration

        public Object addInternalValueDecoration​(Object oValue,
                                                 int nDecorId,
                                                 Object oDecor)
        Decorate a specified value in the internal form with a specified decoration in the "normal" Object form. It's important to understand that applying the internal converter to either passed-in or returned internal values will produce identical values in Object form.
        Specified by:
        addInternalValueDecoration in interface BackingMapManagerContext
        oValue - a value in the internal form
        nDecorId - a decoration identifier; valid decoration identifiers are any of the DECO_* constant values
        oDecor - a decoration value in Object form
        a decorated value in the internal form
      • removeInternalValueDecoration

        public Object removeInternalValueDecoration​(Object oValue,
                                                    int nDecorId)
        Remove a decoration from the specified value in the internal form. If the specified value is not decorated, the call will have no effect. It's important to understand that applying the internal converter to either passed-in or returned internal values will produce identical values in Object form.
        Specified by:
        removeInternalValueDecoration in interface BackingMapManagerContext
        oValue - a decorated value in the internal form
        nDecorId - a decoration identifier; valid decoration identifiers are any of the DECO_* constant values
        an un-decorated value in the internal form
      • isInternalValueDecorated

        public boolean isInternalValueDecorated​(Object oValue,
                                                int nDecorId)
        Check whether or not the specified value in the internal form is decorated.
        Specified by:
        isInternalValueDecorated in interface BackingMapManagerContext
        oValue - a decorated value in the internal form
        nDecorId - a decoration identifier; valid decoration identifiers are any of the DECO_* constant values
        true if the value is decorated using the specified decoration id; false otherwise
      • getInternalValueDecoration

        public Object getInternalValueDecoration​(Object oValue,
                                                 int nDecorId)
        Obtain a decoration from the specified value in the internal form. If the specified value is decorated with the specified decoration id, a value in a "normal" Object form is returned; otherwise null.
        Specified by:
        getInternalValueDecoration in interface BackingMapManagerContext
        oValue - a decorated value in the internal form
        nDecorId - a decoration identifier; valid decoration identifiers are any of the DECO_* constant values
        an un-decorated value in the internal form
      • setConfig

        public void setConfig​(XmlElement xml)
        Specify the configuration for the associated BackingMapManager. The configuration content is shared between all instances of the corresponding CacheService running on different cluster nodes.
        Specified by:
        setConfig in interface BackingMapManagerContext
        Specified by:
        setConfig in interface XmlConfigurable
        xml - the XML configuration