Interface HealthCheck

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String PATH_HEALTHZ
      The http request path for the healthz endpoint.
      static String PATH_LIVE
      The http request path for the live endpoint.
      static String PATH_READY
      The http request path for the ready endpoint.
      static String PATH_SAFE
      The http request path for the safe endpoint.
      static String PATH_STARTED
      The http request path for the started endpoint.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      String getName()
      Returns the unique name of this health check.
      boolean isLive()
      Returns {@link true} if the resource represented by this HealthCheck is alive, otherwise returns false.
      default boolean isMemberHealthCheck()
      Return true if this HealthCheck should be included when working out this Coherence member's health status.
      boolean isReady()
      Returns {@link true} if the resource represented by this HealthCheck is ready, otherwise returns false.
      boolean isSafe()
      Returns {@link true} if the resource represented by this HealthCheck is in a safe state to allow a rolling upgrade to proceed, otherwise returns false.
      boolean isStarted()
      Returns {@link true} if the resource represented by this HealthCheck is started, otherwise returns false.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        Returns the unique name of this health check.
        the unique name of this health check
      • isMemberHealthCheck

        default boolean isMemberHealthCheck()
        Return true if this HealthCheck should be included when working out this Coherence member's health status.
        true if this HealthCheck should be included in the member's health status
      • isReady

        boolean isReady()
        Returns {@link true} if the resource represented by this HealthCheck is ready, otherwise returns false.

        The concept of what "ready" means may vary for different types of resources.

        {@link true} if the resource represented by this HealthCheck is ready, otherwise false
      • isLive

        boolean isLive()
        Returns {@link true} if the resource represented by this HealthCheck is alive, otherwise returns false.

        The concept of what "alive" means may vary for different types of resources.

        {@link true} if the resource represented by this HealthCheck is alive, otherwise returns false
      • isStarted

        boolean isStarted()
        Returns {@link true} if the resource represented by this HealthCheck is started, otherwise returns false.

        The concept of what "started" means may vary for different types of resources.

        {@link true} if the resource represented by this HealthCheck is started, otherwise returns false
      • isSafe

        boolean isSafe()
        Returns {@link true} if the resource represented by this HealthCheck is in a safe state to allow a rolling upgrade to proceed, otherwise returns false.

        The concept of what "safe" means may vary for different types of resources.

        {@link true} if the resource represented by this HealthCheck is in a safe state to allow a rolling upgrade to proceed, otherwise returns false