Class ConverterCollections.ConverterCacheEvent<K,​V>

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConverterCacheEvent

        public ConverterCacheEvent​(ObservableMap<K,​V> map,
                                   CacheEvent<K,​V> event,
                                   Converter<K,​K> convKey,
                                   Converter<V,​V> convVal)
        event - the underlying CacheEvent
        map - the new event's source
        convKey - the Converter to view the underlying CacheEvent's key
        convVal - the Converter to view the underlying CacheEvent's values
      • ConverterCacheEvent

        public ConverterCacheEvent​(ObservableMap<K,​V> map,
                                   CacheEvent<K,​V> event,
                                   Converter<K,​K> convKey,
                                   Converter<V,​V> convVal,
                                   BackingMapManagerContext context)
        Construct a ConverterMapEvent.
        event - the underlying MapEvent
        map - the new event's source
        convKey - the Converter to view the underlying CacheEvent's key
        convVal - the Converter to view the underlying CacheEvent's values
        context - the BackingMapManagerContext necessary to emulate the BinaryEntry interface
    • Method Detail

      • getCacheEvent

        public CacheEvent<K,​V> getCacheEvent()
        Return the underlying CacheEvent.
        the underlying CacheEvent