Class PartitionedIterator<T>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enumeration<T>, Iterator<T>

    public class PartitionedIterator<T>
    extends AbstractPartitionedIterator<T>
    An Iterator that iterates over keys in a partition-by-partition or member-by-member manner.
    Coherence 3.5
    cp 2009.04.07
    • Field Detail

      • OPT_KEYS

        public static final int OPT_KEYS
        An option to iterate the Map keys. This is the default.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int OPT_ENTRIES
        An option to iterate Map Entry objects.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • m_fKeysOnly

        protected boolean m_fKeysOnly
        Differentiates between a key iterator (true) and an entry iterator (false).
    • Constructor Detail

      • PartitionedIterator

        public PartitionedIterator​(NamedCache cache,
                                   Filter filter,
                                   PartitionSet setPids,
                                   int nOptions)
        Construct PartitionedIterator that will provide iteration of the keys of the specified cache using the specified filter, but will only query one partition or one member at a time.
        cache - the cache to query
        filter - the query expressed as a Filter
        setPids - the partitions to execute the query against
        nOptions - pass a bit-or'd combination of any of the OPT_* constants
    • Method Detail

      • remove

        protected void remove​(Object oPrev)
        Description copied from class:
        Remove the specified item.

        This is an optional operation. If the Iterator supports element removal, then it should implement this method, which is delegated to by the AbstractStableIterator.remove() method.

        remove in class AbstractPartitionedIterator<T>
        oPrev - the previously iterated object that should be removed