Interface EventDispatcher.InterceptorRegistrationEvent<E extends Event<? extends Enum>>

    • Method Detail

      • getIdentifier

        String getIdentifier()
        Return the identifier the EventInterceptor was registered with.
        the identifier the EventInterceptor was registered with
      • getEventTypes

        Set<Enum> getEventTypes()
        Return the Event Types the EventInterceptor being registered will intercept. As this event is emitted under the scope of an EventDispatcher, these event types will either be the entire set or subset of supported types on the EventDispatcher.
        the Event Types the EventInterceptor will intercept
      • setInterceptor

        void setInterceptor​(EventInterceptor<E> incptr)
        Set the EventInterceptor that should be registered in place of the EventInterceptor originally being registered.
        incptr - the EventInterceptor that should be registered