Class InputStreamPasswordProvider

    • Constructor Detail

      • InputStreamPasswordProvider

        protected InputStreamPasswordProvider​(boolean fFirstLineOnly)
        fFirstLineOnly - true to only treat the first line of the data returned by the InputStream as the password
    • Method Detail

      • isFirstLineOnly

        public boolean isFirstLineOnly()
        Returns true to only treat the first line of the data returned by the InputStream as the password.
        true to only treat the first line of the data returned by the InputStream as the password
      • get

        public char[] get()
        Description copied from interface: PasswordProvider
        Returns the password to be used in clear format. The char[] returned from the get() method is not retained by the provider, and it is expected that the consumer zero's out the array once it is done with the password.
        Specified by:
        get in interface PasswordProvider
        password as char[]