Class Units

  • public class Units
    extends Object
    Units is a union of MemorySize and unit count. Note: This class is provided to support the high-units configuration property which can either be a memory size string or the number of units. The default unit calculator depends on whether the configuration explicitly specified a memory size (e.g. <high-units>20M</high-units>).
    Coherence 12.1.2
    bo 2012.08.27, pfm 2012.08.27
    • Constructor Detail

      • Units

        public Units​(String sValue)
        Construct a Units object. If the sValue is a MemorySize string (e.g. 10M) then this instance of Units explicitly represents a MemorySize. Otherwise, this instance contains a unit count.
        sValue - the unit count or memory size
      • Units

        public Units​(long cUnits)
        Construct a Units object with the given unit count.
        cUnits - the unit count
      • Units

        public Units​( memorySize)
        Construct a Units object with the given MemorySize.
        memorySize - the MemorySize
    • Method Detail

      • getUnitCount

        public long getUnitCount()
        Return the unit count. If this object was constructed with MemorySize then the count will be the number of bytes.
        the unit count
      • getMemorySize

        public getMemorySize()
        Return the MemorySize. If this object was constructed with a unit count then MemorySize will be null.
        the MemorySize or null
      • isMemorySize

        public boolean isMemorySize()
        Return true if Units contains a MemorySize.
        true if Units contains a MemorySize