Class Seconds

  • public class Seconds
    Seconds is a specialized Duration whose default constructor assumes that the specified units of time (when the unit magnitude is not specified) are seconds.

    Note: This class is provided to simplify and support backwards compatibility during the injection of second-based units of time into appropriate classes. This class is not designed for general purpose representation of units of time. For general purpose units of time, please use the Duration class.

    Coherence 12.1.2
    bo 2012.01.18
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Seconds​(int c)
      Constructs a Seconds representing a Duration measured in seconds.
      Seconds​( d)
      Constructs a Seconds based on another Duration.
      Seconds​(String s)
      Constructs a Seconds representing a Duration measured in seconds.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Seconds

        public Seconds​( d)
        Constructs a Seconds based on another Duration.
        d - the Duration
      • Seconds

        public Seconds​(int c)
        Constructs a Seconds representing a Duration measured in seconds.
        c - the number of seconds
      • Seconds

        public Seconds​(String s)
        Constructs a Seconds representing a Duration measured in seconds.
        s - the number of seconds or other duration when magnitudes are specified
        See Also:
        Duration(String, Magnitude)
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public long get()
        Obtain the Duration in units of seconds.
        the number of seconds in the Duration