Class RemoteInvocationScheme

    • Constructor Detail

      • RemoteInvocationScheme

        public RemoteInvocationScheme()
        Constructs a RemoteCacheScheme.
    • Method Detail

      • getServiceType

        public String getServiceType()
        Return the service type.
        the service type
      • isRunningClusterNeeded

        public boolean isRunningClusterNeeded()
        Return true if a running cluster is needed before using a service.
        Specified by:
        isRunningClusterNeeded in interface ServiceBuilder
        Specified by:
        isRunningClusterNeeded in class AbstractServiceScheme<>
        true if a running cluster is needed before using a service
      • realizeService

        public Service realizeService​(ParameterResolver resolver,
                                      ClassLoader loader,
                                      Cluster cluster)
        Realize (ensure) a Service. The returned Service is fully configured and ready to be used.
        Specified by:
        realizeService in interface ServiceBuilder
        realizeService in class AbstractServiceScheme<>
        resolver - the ParameterResolver
        loader - the ClassLoader
        cluster - the Cluster which will already be running if necessary
        the Service