Class DistributedScheme.BackupConfig

    • Constructor Detail

      • BackupConfig

        public BackupConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • resolveType

        public int resolveType​(ParameterResolver resolver,
                               MapBuilder bldrPrimaryMap)
        Resolve the backup map type using the configuration specified by the application. The primary map is also need in special cases to determine the type.
        Specified by:
        resolveType in interface BackupMapConfig
        resolver - the ParameterResolver
        bldrPrimaryMap - the primary map builder which may be used to determine the backup type
        the backup map type enumerated in BackingMapScheme
      • getDirectory

        public String getDirectory​(ParameterResolver resolver)
        Return the root directory where the disk persistence manager stores files. This is only valid for file-mapped type.
        Specified by:
        getDirectory in interface BackupMapConfig
        resolver - the ParameterResolver
        the root directory
      • setDirectory

        public void setDirectory​(Expression<String> expr)
        Set the root directory where the disk persistence manager stores files. This is only valid for file-mapped type.
        expr - the directory name
      • getInitialSize

        public int getInitialSize​(ParameterResolver resolver)
        Return the initial buffer size in bytes for off-heap and file-mapped backup maps.
        Specified by:
        getInitialSize in interface BackupMapConfig
        resolver - the ParameterResolver
        the write maximum batch size
      • setInitialSize

        public void setInitialSize​(Expression<> expr)
        Return the initial buffer size in bytes for off-heap and file-mapped backup maps.
        expr - the initial buffer size
      • getMaximumSize

        public int getMaximumSize​(ParameterResolver resolver)
        Return the maximum buffer size in bytes for off-heap and file-mapped backup maps.
        Specified by:
        getMaximumSize in interface BackupMapConfig
        resolver - the ParameterResolver
        the write maximum buffer size
      • setMaximumSize

        public void setMaximumSize​(Expression<> expr)
        Set the maximum buffer size in bytes for off-heap and file-mapped backup maps.
        expr - the maximum buffer size
      • getBackupSchemeName

        public String getBackupSchemeName​(ParameterResolver resolver)
        Return the name of the caching scheme to use as a backup map. Note that the scheme name is used as a key to lookup the scheme in the cache mapping. This is in contrast with the scheme name in the base AbstractScheme class which self-identifies a scheme object.
        Specified by:
        getBackupSchemeName in interface BackupMapConfig
        resolver - the ParameterResolver
        the scheme name
      • setBackupSchemeName

        public void setBackupSchemeName​(Expression<String> expr)
        Set the name of the caching scheme to use as a backup map.
        expr - the scheme name
      • setType

        public void setType​(Expression<String> expr)
        Set the type of storage to hold the backup data.
        expr - the maximum buffer size
      • translateType

        protected int translateType​(String sType)
        Translate the backup map type string.
        sType - the map type
        the translated type enumerated in BackingMapScheme